I got diagnosed with thrush when I had a light bleed at 14-ish weeks, she prescribed me a pessary which cleared it up in a few days, definitely go to a doctor! 🤍
I've got thursh currently the hospital told me as I was spotting and I was concerned. You have to go to your GP where they will give you the tablet ones that you insert. You are not allowed to have the have the cream x
@Eden you are allowed the cream just not allowed the oral tablet
Contact your gp. I had 2 bouts back to back not fun. I was prescribed the pessary and cream. Also cheaper as you won’t have to pay
@Danielle that's odd, The hospital didn't give me cream they said im not supposed to and that I'm to only have the tablet that you insert. I would had preferred to have the cream to be honest x
I’ve had exactly the same recently hun and my dr prescribed me with the pessary but don’t use the syringe that comes with it. You’ll have to put the tablet in yourself xx
I’ve just had it and I never want it again It was horrendous. The Doctor gave me cream and pessaries but the cream made me worse so had to go back. They then prescribed me more pessaries and fingers crossed it’s cleared it! You just can’t have the oral tablet x
Yes contact your gp they will give you something. If I am correct I don’t think the pharmacy can sell over the counter to pregnant women cause some stuff you can’t have ❤️ x