Abortion: For and against?

I’ve just seen another post and am outraged at the judgements from one mother to another, based on their own personal choices!! So I ask, are you for or against abortion? And would you judge or berate another woman for having a different view to your own?
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I personally am against abortion, because it’s been a longg time for me trying to conceive and finally have my miracle baby via IVF 😊, so another baby would be like a double gift. even before I was against abortion, I felt so sorry to stop a little life inside of me. But I don’t judge other women’s who have a different view, their body their choice, their circumstances.

I’m pro abortion access which inherently means I’m pro choice, doesn’t mean I advocate that every one should get abortions. Therefore why would I berate anybody for holding a different view? Might I perhaps question them on the logic that upholds that view? Absolutely! will I judge them by their answer? Not in a meaningful way LMFAO I also don’t set out to change minds, I just have curiosity & like knowing things (:

Personally I couldn't go through an abortion. However I believe women should have the right to have one. If I was pregnant and found out my baby would have no life when born because of a disability, then that could sway me. However I don't agree with women who continually have abortions when they could easily use protection.

I’m pro it’s not my business

I am against abortion in a way like I’d never have an abortion cos I can’t but if another woman choose to have one? That’s her body, her life and her choice. It is not my or anyone’s business because at the end of the day everyone has a choice so I’d never ever judge. Cos I do not know their situation. But I will judge if the it is being used as a birth control or even if u have done it bout three times.

@Ebunoluwa so personally I have had 3 abortions. I fell pregnant TWICE whilst on birth control (yes I was taking correctly and timely) and once while not, however it would have been cruel to bring a child into the world while financially we couldn’t support it and our living situation was not ideal. So based on your comment, should that mean I’m judged or make me a bad person?

Pro-choice. That being said, I personally wouldn’t be able to go through with one.

I’m for it depending on the circumstances of the woman but obviously if you’re constantly getting pregnant then having an abortion each time then I don’t agree with it… it’s not a form of contraception….

Personally I feel if a women is been raped or in a DV relationship or find out the baby was so disabled it wouldn’t have have any life then yes absolutely. I know a lot of people they use it as a form of birth control and feel these people need to be educated. I mean I wouldn’t judge anyone for it but when you see a heart beat at 6 weeks that’s tough as that’s a living being not just cells. But as I say just cause that’s my opinion doesn’t mean others shouldn’t have own opinion x

I’m pro choice because I have had one myself. I really do think that the cut off time should be 12 weeks latest

…who uses it as birth control? That’s outrageous.

I'd say pro choice. It's the woman's body. They should decide to abort or keep. When woman gets raped or taken advantage of and find out they are pregnant they should choose to keep the baby or not to.

I personally couldn’t go through with an abortion for myself but I am very, very pro choice, especially since becoming a mother. No one should be forced through pregnancy, childbirth and raising a child unless they want to. I also don’t have any say in what other women do with their bodies and to say otherwise would be insane to me.

I would never berate someone for a choice that doesn’t affect anyone but THEM.

Based on your situation no I wouldn’t cos it was not your fault as you were on birth control. I commented based on my experience I know some people personally who had abortion more than 4 times cos they don’t enjoy sex without condom but also can’t take bc because it is not good for the body

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Just as a general PSA, there’s really no need to include whether you personally would or would not have an abortion when staying you’re pro choice (I used to do the same thing, I’m not trying to be obnoxious, I promise). It’s still claiming some sort of moral superiority that just isn’t necessary. Obviously everyone is free to post whatever they like, but just something to think about. Also none of us can say 100% what we would do in many, many situations we’ve never personally experienced.

@Ebunoluwa okay, that’s just plain wrong 😩

For me, it was a case of becoming pregnant while being MY choice at the RIGHT time. I have had a child, but I have also chosen to abort pregnancies due to being at a time when I was actively avoiding it through birth control. Another was soon after giving birth (via C-section) so was not in a safe position to be pregnant/give birth again so soon nor financially able to support a second child so soon after the first. I guess you could say I’m super fertile. There are so many reasons why someone would want to (or not want to for that matter) but unless you have walked a day in that person’s shoes I don’t believe one should pass judgement. Don’t get me wrong, the guilt is there! However, it outweighs the guilt felt if bringing a child into the world was against my own wants or if it would put strain on finances or quality of life.

I’m all for abortion. I terminated 2 pregnancies when I was a teenager cuz I was not abt to be somebodys baby mama and certainly not a teen mom. That was not going to be my story cuz I just ignorant abt sex & a horny teenager who wanted to escape her problems by having sex. Giving myself away to my so called boyfriends who didn’t even deserve me or deserve to be fathers! So not only did I make the mistake of having an unplanned pregnancy once bt twice! Smh 🤦🏾‍♀️ my first pregnancy was around 2005, I was 15 yrs old! my 2nd pregnancy was In 2009 and I was 18. If I would have kept those pregnancies, I can’t imagine having an 20 yr old & an 18yr old and I turned 34 in November of last yr. I literally have no regrets cuz I cringe 😬 everytime I think abt that. I’m so grateful & thankful by the grace of God, I went thru my 20s without any mistakes of unplanned pregnancy cuz that wud have been terrible for me. I decided to finally become a mom at 30 & I’m very happy with my choices! #pro-choice

I’m pro choice because women are going to get rid of the baby whether it’s legal or not. I’d rather women who decide to have an abortion should be able to have access to it in clean doctor environments instead of throwing themselves down the stairs or using a coat hanger. Making abortion illegal won’t get rid of abortions it’ll get rid of safe abortions. I haven’t had one. I probably won’t get one. I’m a Christian and I feel for my fellow women and they deserve access to healthcare.

Pro choice always 🫶🏼

People should be able to do whatever the hell they want without judgement but you will always be judged so the best option is not to GAF about anyone or their opinions

I don't think someone should be forced to carry a baby they do not want because at the end of the day they will be the one to care for the child or the child will be put through care and I think having a child you regret or putting a child through the system can both be mentally detrimental to the child as well as the mother

@Ash This! 👏🏼 There are so many outside factors and reasons others won’t be aware of which can effect someone’s choice. It’s not black and white! There are the considerations of a young life being impacted as well as the life of a mother (or parents) which could take a negative effect if subjected to an unwanted pregnancy. This is why I respect everyone has their own views and opinions, but I ask not to judge without knowing every detail of another’s life and choice.

Is there anyone here whose opinion on this matter has actually changed, or they’ve grown to understand, based on hearing the stories and arguments from an opposing side?

I was actually pro-life when I was a teenager. I think just hearing more about it, especially from women’s personal perspectives, and actually going through pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood changed my mind. Now I’m ashamed I ever thought that way.

@Levi you should never feel ashamed! We are shaped by our experiences and we continue to grow throughout our lives. Having a particular view as a teen does not mean we should carry that into adulthood. We’re allowed to change and grow as people.

@Taylor literally no one. People just say this shit and swear their cousin’s neighbor’s friend does

Pro life + pro choice. I support the outcome no matter what..

Pro-choice. I was ALWAYS someone who said “I’d never get an abortion but if someone else did then that’s their choice”… until I was put in the position where I would’ve had to raise a child at 18 with someone who I didn’t love and didn’t trust to support a child financially or emotionally. I thought it would be cruel to bring a child into that kind of life. Now I have 2 wonderful children with my fiancé who is an incredible father who I trust and love and does everything to ensure my babies have a good life

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Pro choice. I would only judge a woman who can’t figure out how to put themselves on birth control and use an abortion as such.

@Levi I could’ve written this

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