@Charlotte is that after the one pessary I read the leaflet and didn’t say that cx
I’ve had it a lot in the past and it does take a while to go. Maybe contact the doctors and see if you can take the tablet x
@Charlotte I can’t am pregnant sadly thank you x
You’ll need a longer course treatment I had Pesery for 4 weeks
@N💋 was this off midwife xx
My husband is a doctor , he had one of his female colleagues to check me out. I had a Pesery of 100mg for pregnancy doses this time around. You take it for 6 nights only Last time I had 500 mg for 4 weeks and the cream for the vuvla so I used 500 mg every Monday for 4 weeks and I used the vuvla cream for 2 weeks as he said it’s fine for 2 weeks to make sure the infection doesn’t come back on the outside. But go to the midwife ask for a swab or your local gp and also take a look inside
@N💋 thank you so much super helpful it’s by far the worst bit of pregnancy imo xx
Does it burn? Any cheese discharge x
@N💋 not cheese discharge now it’s abit itchy (I had a episiotomy that area is very itchy) ALOT of yellow discharge doesn’t smell bad tho just different to my usual discharge x
Can take up to a week for symptoms to go unfortunately x