Do you feel you know what you’re doing

I feel like I am winging it everyday with my 20 month old, does everyone feel this way, I am always trying to learn what milestones he’s supposed to reach at certain times to try and learn him certain things, however I seem to find he’s always behind but I don’t feel like he is as I feel he’s still a baby. E.g he can’t use a fork or spoon, he can’t drink from a cup, I don’t feel he’s ready for potty training yet, he can only say 15 words. I feel this is normal but expectations seem to be higher? I also get a lot of crap off family & friends because of it, forever telling me to potty train & try harder when all I do is my best everyday :(
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No idea what I’m doing either. I was going to do a post today saying I feel like a failure as our routine doesn’t feel right and I’m constantly anxious. My little one can eat with a spoon and sometimes a fork, he drinks through a straw and his speech is amazing but he still drinks from a bottle at bedtime and at times in the night, which I don’t think he should be having at this age. I have to walk with him in the buggy every day to get him to nap, I can’t even get him lunch before his nap and we end up eating lunch at about 2:30-3 when he wakes up. Then I have no idea whether I’m approaching his tantrums and behaviour in the right way either. I try to do as best as I can to encourage his development but again, I have no idea what I’m doing either. He’s not ready to potty train I don’t think, they’re still so young and pretty much babies still. I’m sure you’re doing an amazing job, children all develop at different rates anyway.

I feel you on the naps, my son will only sleep in his cot and he will have a meltdown if we are out and about because he won’t sleep in his pram/car seat like he used to. He also has milk to go to bed on a nighttime, I have only recently attempted to get rid of the bottles but he still has a dummy at night, I did manage to take the dummy away during the day though.

It is so tricky to know whether we’re doing all the right things or not. I’m told there are no right or wrong answers, so I’m going to keep on doing my best and trying to do the best by my little one and just hope that he doesn’t still have his bloomin’ dummy when he’s off to school 😂

Always listen to your gut. You are the expert of YOUR baby! ❤️ You can never compare your child to another. Just like you can't compare yourself to another. What works for one doesn't work for the other. You are doing a brilliant job. Your main job is to love your child and love it how it is. Be there for them and guide them through the difficulties of life and their emotions. Everything else will come. I can promise you one thing. Your little one will go to the toilet at some point, he will use a spoon and fork, he will talk your ear off, he will sleep through the night and he won't want a bottle or a dummy at some point. You don't have to push anything. He will give you guidance when he is ready. Take the stress out and just enjoy your baby. They grow up quick enough and will do everything in due time. It's just their timeline and not anyone else's. You are all wonderful mums already because you love your children, re-evaluate things and reflect on your parenting. ❤️

Does anybody know what they are doing? As long as you are doing your best for you and your baby then you are smashing it. Things happen in their own time and you go at the pace that work for you and your little man.❣️ x

My girl can almost use a fork, she can use a spoon if she’s eating yogurt or something else thick that kind of just sticks to it, she speaks very well but is definitely no where near potty training and she only starting walking at 16/17 months still isn’t walking properly atleast not what I class at walking properly because she still will trip over her own feet sometimes, I feel like such a bad parent because even though she’s passing some milestones with flying colours and talks better than some 2-3 year olds I know she still isn’t walking as well as other toddlers her age

This is really reassuring thanks everyone, Georgia my son only started walking at 16 months he tripped over his own feet too, he’s now 20 months and runs, it will all come within time. X

My little girl is 20 months old too, she has feet issues though so maybe that’s why it’s taking her longer, she has really bad eczema on the bottoms of her feet

Absolutely winging motherhood, and life tbh. My boy is amazing but 20 months (yesterday) doesn’t speak bar mama and dada (outta context), doesn’t sleep well, is hit & miss with a spoon, fork is rare, he walks, climbs & loves, but is way off most of his milestones. So yeah, i absolutely feel you!

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