They told me to do this too! I wouldn’t worry as long as you still have enough wet and dirty diapers. I was told we only need to produce enough to feed the baby not the freezer! I do still pump after the first morning feed just to have a small stash. I’m sure he is still getting enough!
Thanks ladies! I feel a little better now!
@Kari yes!!! I’m supposed to go back to work in march. Still not sure if I will but I want him to be able to still have breast milk when away from me!
@Katie I get a lot still after the first morning feed so that should give you a stash! That’s when you have the most according the LC I saw.
I have breastfed 4 and I think If you’re wanting to go back to work I would keep right up with pumping. Maybe drop the amount you pump but extra is never a bad thing! Being engorged basically tells your body to stop making as much milk. If you store some in the freezer little by little you can stop nursing early!
I think babies that age are just super fussy and want to be latched very frequently, like every 15-60 minutes if you nurse on demand.