Thank you ☺️
I was told I had to offer sips of water from an open cup when we started weaning as it helps prevent constipation and teaches them to sip a drink rather than suck a teat
Thank you! We have been using a beaker but I will try open and see if it helps!
I have exactly the same. Started at 5 months as per HV advice due to him being a big baby and allergies. He is now 6 months but he doesn’t love milk during the day the same. I just think he really prefers food. I make sure to give him prunes and pears whenever he has had banana and I have also noticed his poos go from loose to solid. He really hates water. Takes a little in his mouth then spits it out so I continue to try but give him milk after any food too to ensure he is getting some hydration. I’m hoping he goes back to enjoying milk in the day once he is settled on eating. Right now he is up every 2 hours in the night for a feed, presumably catching up with what he would normally have in the day as his overall intake over 24 hours is the same
Thank you I needed to hear that, This sounds so similar to my little boy! He is so food driven, fingers crossed as you say it will improve as he gets used to eating! He is up ALOT in the night too and it can be exhausting!😅
Prunes and pears help get things going again, I’d avoid bananas or only give a very small amount as they can cause constipation.