I think if it's just 1 you should be OK. I've done the same and I don't know if I want to get it again
I was on the injection for 4 years. 3 months after the last one wore off we conceived our August22 baby. I was still having very irregular periods (every 2 weeks) but we still managed. X
Side note, the injection caused me to go from 48kg (underweight) to 72kg (overweight) no other lifestyle changes except a job as a toddler football coach 😅 I came off it again (due to weight) and I've lost 5kg so far x
@Erica is there any reason you don’t know if you want to get it again?
@Samantha I was having a period every 2 weeks for 6/7 days on the pill (basically period one week off the next and then period again) but with the injection I was a week late and then was bleeding for 2 weeks straight which I’ve never done before. Before going on any contraception my periods were the same date every month for only 4 days so I’m thinking to come off contraception all together now and hopefully some day my body will go back to normal x
I used to be on it for years and had no bleeding at all, then it took me 4 years to get pregnant after. I am undecided if I want another one, and obviously if I get more injections it will take longer. I've also spotted then had a horrendously heavy period last week which was weird and unexpected 😐 I get very bad periods, so I initially got it to get rid of my periods again, I was exhausted, but that last week threw me 🥴 also agree with weight gain, I'm finding it SO hard to lose weight.
I don’t think it will matter you have just had the one im pretty sure it’s only if you’ve been on the injection for a long time my sister is coming off the end of this year and has been on it for years and the doctor did say it may take a long time to get pregnant but everyone is different x