Weaning questions!

Bear with me this might be a long one 😅 1. My baby does not like water, he won’t drink from a sippy cup or a straw cup - should I try putting it in a bottle? 2. We’re doing veg purees at the moment because I have no idea what I’m doing. Where do I go from here? Are people making purees with chicken and fish and eggs etc. or should I start with jars while I’m still figuring out what the heck I’m doing? 😅 A v overwhelmed first time mum 🥹 pic so we don’t get lost!
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I'm very overwhelmed as well and completely winging it lol I've started following "How to wean your baby" book and go from there. After 10ish day, I've decided to try something different, but still following more or less the same principles. I've also been to the library and taken a couple of books with weaning recipes because I can't think on my own anymore

My boy HATES purees so I've been doing more BLW - scary but working In regards to chicken I believe you can give shredded up chicken and then you can give scrambled egg ot slices of omelette. If you wanna stick to purees then I'm not too sure how these work though

I started with just veg and fruit purées but I’m just gradually increasing the thickness and texture so I give him boiled eggs mashed up with avocado now, weetabix and banana, lumpier veg and grated cheese etc. I do give a few pouches with meat and fish in here and there and I also give him wedges of cucumber, oranges, melon and he just sucks these. Download the solid starts app to see how to serve pretty much anything! I’m going to move to baby led weaning soon once I see he knows how to swallow bigger chunks and gets a taste for food. Honestly winging it too!

I’m going straight for baby led weaning I think. I’ve bought a few recipe books for ideas but mainly going to start with whole veg (cut appropriately) they don’t necessarily need to eat at this age it’s just for fun and getting used to textures. Have you tried an open cup? It’s messy but they basically lick it like cats 😂 just to get used to the taste. Does he actually lift the cup to his mouth?

Have you tried open cup? Like actual cup? That’s what I offer my little one and she drinks well, like this we are skipping sippy cup stage and promoting oral drinking skills

We're using Ella's kitchen and Joe Wicks for initial weaning, increasing texture and adding finger food. All about food for fun so have been doing single veg then mixing it and adding meat / fish this week. We've got a high chance of allergy so doing these individually. We're doing open cup, bit messy but she loves it!!

We’re using the Mam training bottle. It’s basically a normal bottle with handles. Comes with 2 teats. One just a normal test 3, and then you move onto the teat that they control the flow of :) https://amzn.eu/d/7P69AP9 We also started with just veg purées which she seems to like but now gags at anything with texture. 😂 although doesn’t mind a melty stick or wafer 🤷🏼‍♀️ It is all very overwhelming and we’re all winging it. I would just say try different methods until you are happy with how it’s going :) trust your mothers instinct xxx

Don’t stress they’re still getting their nutrients from the milk until 8-12months (I’m personally doing finger food baby lead weening but whatever works for you is what’s best for you) just don’t feel you have to rush. The more natural the food the better. Let them Explore and play whilst they still can 💜

@Lauryn he does lift it to his mouth, has a sip, realises that it’s water and gives me the most disgusted look 🤣

@Robyn thank you, I’ve ordered this now so hopefully we’ll have more luck!

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