
We've been weaning for just over a month now with purees and some finger food like broccoli, avocado, carrots, oranges etc. baby eats twice a day for breakfast and dinner and he mostly finishes all his purees. However I've been trying to introduce texture in his food like lumpier or mashed foods but he won't eat it at all. Only smooth purees. How do you get baby to have lumpy/mashed food?
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I think that the sign that's too early. Keep with purees and finger food till they are ready 😊

My girl is 9 months and still only wants to eat smooth purées anything more she gags and vomits

They all go at their own pace. Mines 6 months and only wants finger foods 😭 I stared weaning just after 4 months (she wouldn’t stop eating/grabbing my food) but as soon as I tried BLW once my homemade purees have no purpose 😭😭

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