Prioritizing SELF care 💆🏼‍♀️

How do YOU practice self-care on tough days? Self care is something we ALL need to prioritize. You can't pour from an empty cup! So what do you do to take care of you??
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My first line of defence is to leave my phone on silent in another room, then I make a herbal Epsom salt bath, I journal while in the bath or read, and I also create art.

@Chell those are awesome self-care activities! What kind of art do you make?

I’m a mixed media artist so I paint, do photography, quilt, and do bead work.

I don't

@Skyraven why don't you? Maybe I can help

@Chell that sounds amazing! You must be really talented to be able to do all that! Very cool 😎

@Morgan✨️🫶🏽 thank you, I’m no Pablo Picasso. But I enjoy creating.

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