My girl wakes around 7.40am breakfast, school drop off, then she plays with toys, we eat lunch around 12pm, than she has screen time for 1h to 2h depending if I have to work etc. Then school run, dinner around 6pm plays with brothers until bed time that's around 8pm 🙂
Bath at 6.15 Bedtime between 7-730 and wakeuptime is 7-1.15 on nursery days, and on days off he’ll usually wake similar time or sometimes lie in til 7.30-8
my little one doesn’t go nursery or preschool either and tbh her daytime nap is mostly for me because she’s exhausting😂 i literally get in her bed or she gets in our bed and cuddle her till she sleeps so i can sleep too😂 we usually have a nap after dinner, so this is anytime between 12 and 2, and then if we’re lucky she’ll have anything between half an hour and 2 hours (yesterday we slept 1:30-4, was amazing) and then she goes bed at 9
My little girl hasn't napped in a long time. We tend to have dinner at 5ish, Bath at 6ish, bed for 7 😊 she still wakes up a lot through the night but then up for the day around 6.30 x