Completely normal. Prepare for lots of different facial expressions, reactions and messy play. 😀 They will also react differently each time they try something - refusing it one day and wolfing it down the next. They reccomend you let baby try something around 10-15 times before deciding if they like it x
the last 3 day, he does the same expression and spits it out, every single scoop @sydney Im worried to do the finger slice, just incase he chokes or am i being ridiculous? @Kirsty hahaha so true the facials are the funniest thing and thats reassuring I’ll keep trying them.
Definitely not being ridiculous! I was scared too. Apparently if it’s soft enough for you to smush in your fingers then it’s safe for them to eat. Just keep an eye on him and if you think it’s unsafe for him maybe give him even smaller bits. X
If you're worried about giving slices etc have a look on the Solid Starts app. You can type in what food you're giving and it shows you how to prepare it for each age group which I find really helpful. You have to pay for some parts of the app but that bit is free 😊
Thank you ladies 🥰
Wanted to ask are you ladies offering water or milk, my son is on breast milk and i have been doing that instead of water. Hahaha feel like I’m doing this all wrong.
My daughter did the same thing just today. She liked mashed banana yesterday but today she spat it out and looked horrified at it, I decided to try a little finger of banana and she seemed to like it, it could be a texture thing but it seems normal to me, he might just like them individually but not together. X