Reusable wipes

Moms who use reusable wipes how do you clean off the poop from the wipes?
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I hope you mean reusable 🙈

Disposable wipes I just bin them. I don’t clean the poo off them😅

Oop yes let me change that haha @Leigh

I don't, they just go straight into the machine with the nappies. Been doing it since my oldest was born nearly 5 years ago now and never had any issues so no plans to make it any harder!

I would do a pre-soak if particularly stained that day with baking soda & washing up liquid
and then just chuck straight in washing machine after. I stopped using reusables though as advised by my sons physiotherapist just to really help him keep his hips mobile x

I use the poop sprayer that I installed on the toilet for the reusable diapers to spray off poop. If you don’t have that, all you need to do it just shake the biggest pieces off the wipes into the toilet, and then chuck into like a plastic bucket, and when it’s full add a lil detergent cover them w water and w gloves, swish them around in that water then wring and put into basket to wash w towels, that way they are “prewashed”. You only need to do that like once a week. I didn’t do that though since I used the cloth diapers as well and they went into pre and main wash w the diapers but if you’re only using the wipes, that’s what I would do.

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