The juggle is real isn't it! I think it's absolutely normal to feel this way until we find our new flow! I also feel guilty but I try to reframe it to show how actually I'm a supermum for her. Working and being her Mummy. And actually working is better for my mental health and as a result I'm a better parent for her.
Im 4+ months in and the stuggle is still going!! Easier i some ways as im getting used to it but its still hard! 1hr commute each way, getting home 30mins before bedtime its awful😭 Im currently trying to find a role closer to home but no luck so far! 🤍
It’s hard! Currently working full time compressed over 4 days 8-6 but two of those days I have to travel 1.5 hours each way to the office so I feel your pain! I’m trying to make up for it on the weekends but I feel so guilty being back at work because i genuinely enjoy my job so don’t want to leave but I should put my son first and my head is a shed!
Honestly..I quit my job. I wasn’t ready to go back to work and be away from my LO. I am in no financial state to do so but also I just couldn’t do it to myself
I do 12 hour shifts and it's so difficult so I totally get where you are coming from. Remember your hormones are still also all over the place. I'm hoping things get easier with time 😭