Hi lovelies! I just wanted to ask if anyone has gone through IVF whilst having PCOS and how their journey went? I currently have a high egg count (40😟) and I’m so worried about starting treatment! Would love to hear your experiences.
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Message me anytime! Had my egg retrieval in 2022 and transfer in 2023 and now my daughter is 16 months. I had a lot of eggs also but they resulted in 5 healthy embryos.

@Sarah aw that’s so reassuring Sarah, thank you! Did you experience any symptoms of OHSS at all? I’m so worried about that 🥹

Learning because I’m currently going through ivf too . Well I just got my meds ordered.

@Bianca it’s so exciting but scary at the same time isn’t it?!

@Thameena yesss it is !

I am currently undergoing my first IVF cycle and I have PCOS. I completed the egg retrieval Nov. 5th, 2024 which resulted in 43 eggs retrieved, 41 inseminated, 26 fertilized and 9 embryos made it to cryopreserve. Due to the risk of OHSS, i am scheduled for my frozen embryo transfer on feb. 11th. I did not get OHSS thankfully nor shown any signs or symptoms. Feel free to message me.

My egg count is also high, and with the pcos I think it preserved my fertility! I'm 35yrs old and 2yrs ago my AMH was nearly 85! We decided to start IVF in 2024, Egg count had declined to 57.9 by the time we started our first round. At first we only retrieved 7 eggs, They stimulated me cautiously, unfortunately we only ended up with 1 embryo to transfer which didn't stick, The next round we abandoned as the meds didn't stimulate me at all and they didn't want me wasting a whole round.. So next steps was back on the same medications as Round 1 but double the dose with close monitoring! We retrieved 19 eggs this time, and transfered a 5AB (fresh) everything is going well so far and I'll be 16 weeks tomorrow 🙏🏻🥰💖.. I did end up with severe OHSS & Hyponatremia! It went undetectable during the IVF process, turns out my pregnancy and the HCG made the OHSS come out loud and proud 🤣🙏🏻 Finding out I was pregnant in hospital was a shock for us, But I don't regret a thing! 💖🙏🏻

I am currently pregnant and due soon! I did first round of ivf: egg retrieval on 2023 & 1st/2nd successful transfer on 2024. Id u need any advices, dm me! I’ve ttc for 10yrs prior to ivf.

I have had fresh and frozen IVF with PCOS and only one ovary and was successful first time both times. I had OHSS but was ok, barely noticed it.

I have PCOS and had my egg retrieval at 32. 22 eggs were retrieved and we ended up with 6 embryos. I have an almost 3 year old from our first frozen transfer.

I have PCOS and had ivf in 2023. I had three eggs go overripe (purposely left them to go overripe to let the others catch up) then I had 21 retrieved, 13 fertilised, but only 1 made it to transferable state. I had no OHSS symptoms and had a fresh transfer. My lo is now 17 months old.

I've had a really positive experience. I now have a nearly 2 year old and am 26+4 with my second. I had my egg retrieval in 2021 when I was 36 and they got 20 eggs. 11 healthy embryos made it to the freezer and I had FETs to avoid any hyperstimulation (which I didn't experience at all).Happy to answer any questions. Wishing you lots of luck 😀

My dr was concerned about me developing OHSS, so she had me trigger with Lupron. I was sore a few of days after retrieval, but I went back to work the next day and was fine. I had 42 eggs retrieved with 32 being mature. We only used 20 which resulted in 6 embryos. We did not test them so I don’t know how many are normal. We transferred 2 (one at a time) and have 2 babies. Two and a half and 2 months.

Had my 14 eggs harvested in 2021. Because of the risk of OHSS my doc recommended we wait and do FET. First one resulted in a miscarriage, the second one was in 2022 and gave me my rainbow girl. Due to go again this month ! Message anytime and good luck x x

@Patrice ahhh wow this is amazing! Sending you all the prayers! ❤️

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@Dani omg this made me emotional 🥹😭😭 I’m so happy for you Dani, this is so reassuring!!! ❤️❤️

@Sabzx omg Sabz congratulations!!! This is amazing!! Thank you so much 🥹❤️

@Thameena thank you so much

@Lydia no way!? That is incredible! I’m so happy that it worked out for you Lydia!! X

@Meghan aw Meghan those results are amazing and it got you your baby! I’m welling up 🥹😭

@Antonia OHSS is the only thing I’m worried about but this sounds so reassuring!

@Jo awww Jo I hope your pregnancy is going well!!! Thank you so much ❤️

@Usinger Usinger that is incredible, I’m SO happy that it worked out for you 🥹❤️

@Mari you did it Mari!!! CONGRATS ❤️ so happy for you 🥹

I have PCOS. I did two ICSi cycles and my second embryo transfer took. I’ve got a 14 month old xx

@Carmina if you don’t mind me asking why did you do icsi was for male factor ?

@Bianca I know you didn't tag me, but ISCI was performed for us purely because naturally it always went bad for us. My husbands sperm was perfect 100mil etc.. Sometimes it just betters the chances depending on how long you've been TTC (in my case it was 10yrs +) ISCI isn't always for male factor ☺️💖

@Dani oh wow !! Was it successful for you guys ?

@Bianca We got a perfect 5AB & Im 17 weeks today 😊🥰

@Dani oh my congrats!!!! Ugh that makes me feel so happy for you guys and optimistic for us as well !!!

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