I’m in this weird position myself, I know you should call it by its proper name but it does feel very grown up so for now I’m just saying it’s her “doodie” then when she’s a little older I will start calling it a vagina. It’s so much easier with my son as you can easily say Willy to him rather than a penis 😂
I use floof like roof but FL instead of R
For my daughter (3yrs old) it’s called a ‘Tilly’ For my so. (2yrs old) it’s called a ‘Tidler’ Not so intrusive
I was stuck on this too! I just call it her “bits” and my husband calls it her “flower” and then when she’s a bit older we can switch to more grown up terms 🤷♀️
We use the correct terms, always have. There was a case in a school where I live where a girl went to her teacher and said her uncle was touching her cookie, the teachers had no idea what she meant but turns out she was being sexually abused. Please use the correct terms, it’s so important.
@Emily this is my worry and why i’ve gone with saying Vagina but as @Josie said, it feels a bit awkward even though it shouldn’t! Definitely easier with boys as everyone knows what a Willy is x
We say her “lady bits”. It’s not as out there to make us feel uncomfortable but also not that ambiguous to anyone else if she ever needed to tell someone about something. Obvs when she’s a bit older we’ll start correcting her.
I know it feels awkward but we try to use proper terms. Not only due to Emily’s point but also so that she doesn’t feel embarrassed / knows about her body. Appreciate she’s too young now to really understand but hoping gets me in the habit / feeling less awkward by the time she’s older. Think it’s especially important for girls so as they grow up they don’t feel shame around their body’s and can advocate for themselves in medical settings.
Noonie 🤣
We use proper terms. Used to feel awkward at the start but you get used to it pretty quickly
I’m very pro using correct terms, so vulva, vagina and anus. My parents didn’t do that with me, and even as an adult now I find it awkward/embarrassing to use those words even when needed at a doctors or something. So am trying to normalise these early. I don’t think I even knew the difference between vulva and vagina until I was about 30 🤪
Her ‘underneath’ for her girl part and her ‘bottom’ or ‘bum bum’ for the back. Tried teaching her ‘vagina’ but it felt wrong for her tender age and she wasn’t attempting to say that word xx
We use correct terms, but she struggles to remember vagina, so we have switched now to her bottom at the back and her bottom at the front which she can clearly point out and say if asked. For now I think that is okay as she's only 2 xx
Need advice on this to as I was going to use vagina to but it feels super awkward (it shouldn’t) but it does it’s because she’s so small