I also play football twice a week (when I can) i did go to the gym but paused it for now as was getting enough time to go x
Feel free to message x
That’s what I’m planning on doing keeping her with me until she’s atleast that bit older, I will be going classes and I have hatched a plan for each week so she doesn’t get bored and she’s busy but it’s educational. I think when she’s older I’ll feel more comfortable with her attending a nursery infact her name is down for one already for 3 months after she turns 2. I will then look for a job and hopefully it will then be a bit easier to juggle. Do you ever think of career wise what you’re going to do. I worked in an office 9-5 months to Friday but I feel I would just want change or find a way to better myself.
I have never not worked this will be the first time! Having a year out will be amazing to spend with my little girl, I don’t want to lose myself, I doubt a year out will make finding a job hard , I just worry over the silliest thoughts x
This was the same for me in not working, I've worked ever since I left college minus a couple of months here and there to look for work when finishing a contract. For me personally as long as we are financially ok with me doing part time cleaning I will do that so I can be there For my little one. I plan to wait until he's settled in school whether that be infant or primary I'm not sure but then I'll look to do a really fulfilling job I am into football and would like to get back into the coaching but I want to be able to do that without feeling guilty. I would say if you can afford to not work for aslong as possible make the most of your little one and then try and get yourself a little hobby, I play football as my time away from home xx
Hey my little one is 2 Monday, I am stay at home mum, I do a few cleaning shifts in morning and evening, my husband was made redundant so i pocked these up just to make sure we had something coming in. I love being at home with my little boy and plan to be until he is 3. We do a coffee morning and 2 playgroups a week, we then try and see friends or family if a weekend too xx