Did you eat before taking a shower? The heat can cause your blood pressure to drop and, if you have low blood sugar, this can make you very sensitive to blood pressure changes and cause you to feel faint or pass out. Being pregnant can make you more sensitive just in general! This happens to me even when I’m not pregnant, but especially when I am hahaha
Could be your iron levels but it's better to call/see a professional to be reassured. Are you sitting down? Have you had any breakfast yet? It might just be that?
How dizzy and for how long? Have you eaten recently? I'd sit down and have water and a salty snack for electrolytes. See if that helps and don't panic right off. Just breathe and see how you feel
Oh I just remembered you said the shower part. It is very common when pregnant at different stages to feel dizzy in the shower. It is quite common. Are you feeling ok now?
@Sophie I'm about to have porridge now x
@Sophie feeling better now have a trapped nerve too in the lower left hand side of my back 😩 which I've had for 3 days x
Make sure to eat before taking a hot shower!! (And before walking for long periods of time)
It’s likely due to the heat. Make sure the water isn’t too hot and don’t stay in too long. It’s similar to having a bath which is too hot
Are you taking iron supplements? If not start.
Dizziness is common due to blood pressure and additional blood flow. Especially if youve had a hotter shower. But if in doubt you could call your GP for a phone call appointment? Ours let you do that so you dont need to go in unless they want to check you over. And by then your others will be at school. But if your constantly feeling dizzy then id wait and see GP before driving (if you drive) x