Oh lovely you haven’t become a parent who hits!! It’s a natural reaction when you’re hurt. It’s over whelming. He loves you and you love him that’s all that matters x
Big big hugs. Coming from someone who grew up with spanking as discipline (I'm from South Africa) give yourself some grace. You are not an abuser and haven't damaged your son, my mom is my best friend and was super strict growing up. We laugh at the stories where she'd be chasing us around with a slipper because we did something or the other. No I don't need therapy from it, no I'm not damaged. I know she did the best she could and that's just what everyone did when disciplining. Now we know different and can use different approaches. But at the end of the day we're all human. I'm a single mom to two little ones and it's tough especially when your just about surviving. Give yourself grace, your little one will be okay and tomorrow is a new day x
I feel you, I was really ill last week and out of nowhere my boy bit my shoulder real hard. My instant reaction was to slap his lower back to stop him and put him down. I didn’t have any thought time to stop this reaction, I just did it. I balled my eyes after it. Apologised to him but god did I feel shit all day. When he went to bed that night I just sat in the living room feeling the worst! Xxx
Don’t beat yourself up. I did it before when my three year old shoved her baby sister and she hit her head on the hard kitchen floor. She really had it in for her and wasn’t giving up and that was my final straw. I smacked her on the bum, it wasn’t hard but I still felt really bad and apologised. She wasn’t even bothered. She left her sister alone and just went and watched tv 😅
Oh mama big hugs. It happens. It doesn't make you an abuser. The fact you are writing this means you love him so much. It's good you sat down with him and had a chat. Sending you huge hugs and hope you feel better soon. 🤗 xx