As Holly says, from what you've said he is 100% assaulting you. Your feelings as so valid. I'm so sorry you're going through this 💜 you don't need to justify why you don't want to be intimate with him, and you shouldn't feel guilty about it, it's the result of him being a hideous excuse for a man. I hope you can get out of this situation quickly and safely 💜
Please report and leave this man. He is abusive on all levels and is absolutely assaulting you. I feel so awful for you and the children being in such a toxic environment. If you have family, notify them and leave with your kids. Hes a gross human being.
Why is your qsn about sex?? I think the problem is more serious than if you're hurting his feelings over not wanting him asexually because that's obvious you won't. So sorry you are experiencing this. I felt so sad reading this. Please start planning on how to leave this pos. Get tested because he's the cheater and bc because no more kids please.
Babe get up and leave that pos asap before he hurts you or your kids abuse never gets better it always gets worse and worse til they kill you
Girl it sounds like my BD. If u ever need to talk message me I went thru the same thing I just broke up with him yesterday. I’m so happy to start my new journey I have no money no job no friends/ family , no where to go and a 1yo baby but I couldn’t take it anymore. I started to fear for my life and that’s when I made the decision. U need to break up asap but make sure it is safe to do so.
I am so so sorry to hear you’re going through this. He truly sounds like an awful person. Your feelings are totally valid and if possible, I’d work on leaving him. I’m sure anyone you confide in will see just how important it is that you leave him and focus on being happy
You're not wrong, and it's not at all fucked up to say you feel assaulted by him because if you were only having sex with him because you felt forced then he is assaulting you. In the UK (not sure where you are or what the laws are) that behaviour is considered rape. It doesn't matter if he's your husband, boyfriend or a complete stranger, if you're being forced to have sex against your will it's a crime. I'm so sorry you're going through this, please stop doubting yourself, I'm sure he's tried his best to make you feel worthless but nobody deserves to be treated the way he is treating you. When you're ready and if you need to you could contact the police and or a women's charity for help and support to get out of there. Remember that when an abuser feels like they have lost control, that's when you're in the most danger so do everything you can and take all the help you are offered when you leave to protect yourself and your babies. One day you'll look back on this and be so proud of yourself, good luck ❤️