@Stacey 🇵🇸 that was such a great way to approach the situation & she sounded like she responded well to it.. I might try that approach too as like your experience, people are probably that way due to learned behaviour. Thank you for sharing 💕
Tbh it depends on your dynamics but if it was my bf I’d just be straight up. “Stop being so bitchy, you are pushing everyone away and you can hardly talk babe. Inside thoughts. Right, coffee?”
Sure :) It made it so much easier to understand why she was like that. I had some hurt feelings that were immediately rectified just by listening to her story. We got even closer after that conversation. Hope you guys figure it out! xx
@Sarah yeah, it definitely depends on the dynamics of the relationship.. @Stacey 🇵🇸 thank yooou x
I had a cousin who was like this. Very close and love her so so much but no one is allowed to do any wrong or make mistakes. I told her that I often feel judged by her for the decisions I’ve made— good or bad (and I’ve made plenty of bad) but it would help me most if she could still be loving and talk with me about it instead of trying to punish me or something thru her judgment. I asked her if she felt judged a lot growing up and we had a long conversation about how her mother would pick her apart piece by piece and that’s how she learned to treat other people. She really thought that her judgment/coldness didn’t really affect me or others, but was just supposed to be a part of our every day lives.