Normal behaviour?

One of my friends has done a number of upsetting things and now I’m thinking we can’t be friends… For context, we had been friends for 5 years when I told her I was pregnant (I told her at 16 weeks). I’m in my late 20’s and she’s in her early 30’s. Shes single, isn’t TTC and doesn’t like children very much (thought this would be helpful info) She didn’t seem happy at all. She then made a tonne of jokes about my babies conception and how me and my husband must have had sex to convince her… she said my pregnancy made her feel uncomfortable because she knows I’ve had sex… I’m married and have been with my husband for 6 years at this point She then proceeds to ask me if my pregnancy was planned (it was but regardless, I was happy about my pregnancy and that’s all that matters). She then tells me she doesn’t believe I planned my pregnancy because when we first met, I said I didn’t want children until I was in my 30’s. I explained that my circumstances have changed so I was lucky enough to have children at a younger age (not that I should have to explain myself) Throughout my pregnancy, when other friends requested a bumpdate on our group chat, she would make comments like “proof you’ve had sex” which started to really frustrate me as my child’s existence is so much more than that. We then had a weekend trip with another friend of mine and she spent the whole weekend telling me other people’s traumatic birth stories and asked if I’d considered that I’d have to give birth (duh, of course I had) She then kept making sexual comments towards my other friend and even sent her a really creepy card to her house. My other friend was obviously upset and angry about this. The last time I saw her, we met up for lunch and I was 34 weeks pregnant. She told me that everyone who saw me knows I had sex because of me being pregnant and that it’s not fair and that I’m making others feel uncomfortable because of that. She said my dad must be devastated to know I’ve had sex… she said my bump looked weird and she couldn’t look at me and that I should expect to look pregnant and not get my body back for years because that’s what her mom told her. I haven’t seen her since and I’ve been ignoring her messages - she knows my baby has been born as I announced it on our friends group chat and she made a joke about me giving birth…
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That is so weird, especially for a grown woman.

Strange my best bet would be she might still be a Virgin and has no idea which is why it's something she continually mentions because she has no experience in. i I don't and most people wont look at someone who's pregnant and think wooo bet they had sex to do that it's just really weird which makes me think that

She sounds like a weirdo I would cut her off your in a complete different stage in your life and it’s clear she won’t be very supportive

I get religious reasons people hold off to have sex, however!! This day and age you can look at any adult and they’ve probably had sex who cares…. But I can’t say I look at someone with or without kids and question if they’ve had sex or not 🤣.. I’m pregnant with my third that doesn’t mean I’ve only had sex 3 times, but it’s not exactly screaming I’ve had sex either it’s not something you think of. It’s natural it’s life, your married, your happy. I really don’t get her problem. Some women sleep around just for fun.. why’s she making it a big deal? I’d have only taken the ‘jokes’ a few times and cut her off before now.

She’s not a friend at all

What a weird individual, I'd be giving her a big swerve at this point! I'm surprised you've been friends for this long!

She’s unhinged wtf 😂

I'd understand a small joke between friends about sex 😂 but not how you make others uncomfortable, make your dad devastated. All humans have been born so she can get over it. I'd break friends

This is the most unhinged thing I’ve read in ages. Definitely never speak to or see her again.

Yeah she sounds like an absolute freak, I'd have nothing to do with her and not a chance in hell would I allow her to be around my baby!

Unhinged cut her off asap

Definitely weird, she sounds like she’s trying to joke about it because it makes her uncomfortable but it’s coming across super weird. It sounds like she has some serious baggage that she doesn’t know how to deal with. I’ve experienced in the past where someone acts like and even says they don’t like kids and wouldn’t want any but then I find out later that’s not true at all and they are just trying to deal with how sad they are about the loss of an unexpected pregnancy or having been told they’ll never be able to have kids. But the constant remarks indicating shame around sex suggests this might be done kind of childhood trauma. You could tell her it’s obvious that she has some kind of trauma about sex or pregnancy and ask if she wants to talk about it but don’t be surprised if she brushes you off. After that you can just tell her straight up the jokes and comments are super weird and ask her to stop. If she doesn’t I’d just move on

What on earth… you poor thing having to deal with a person like that. They most definitely are not your friend and they sound very odd. Sounds like she’s jealous and the whole bringing up sex thing? Grow up. Please distance yourself from this person, this should be an exciting time in your life and you should be surrounded by supportive people. She’s crossing way too many boundaries x

ew what the heck. she sounds unwell.

Is she ok? That’s so strange! I wouldn’t want to be her friend either

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Is she a teenager? 😂 couples have sex. That’s a fact of life. Jesus Christ.

Ummm she sounds like a straight up weirdo 😳 wtf. Definitely cut her off.

I wonder if she’s had some type of trauma or is she a little dululu. All of my friends (virgins or not) have been super excited and have NOT reacted this way or said anything like this to me. Maybe she has mental issues about babies and sex. I would be frank with her (if she is important to you) and let her know she needs to either be supportive or shut up. If she’s not important to you leave her behind, I mean people grow apart everyday and if she cant be nice then there is no reason for her to be in your life.

She also sounds like she has some unresolved trauma why does the idea of consenting adults having sex bother her so much???

Does she date?

I think the girl clearly has a lot of issues that she needs to address herself but you and anyone else should make her aware that it’s actually her who makes everyone else uncomfortable with weird and unnecessary remarks. Either way I wouldn’t want to be around or involve someone like her in my life, if I were you I would cut contact.

Does she have some sort of neurodiversity? Sounds very awkward and like she’s autistic from what you’ve said

she is effing WEIRD and sounds like she needs to grow tf up. the fact that she can’t even simply be happy for you would be enough for me to cut her off. weird weird behavior from her

I mean don’t we all have sex? 😅 it’s a natural thing we do.. and creates a whole new life, it’s pretty incredible. She sounds very insecure in herself and like she needs to seek some counselling, none of my friends have reacted like that, and I’m not married or anything.. focus on you and your family and let her focus her weirdness on someone else.. she must have seen and met many others that are pregnant even in passing, it’s just a strange response. I think autistic or not (if she is as above comments suggest) it’s really not nice and she needs to process her emotions else where. I say this as a ND person myself.

Is she a virgin ? Why is she so against sex ? 😭

But at the same time I get the part about people knowing I had sex lol that’s how I felt when I was pregnant like all my family know I be getting down 😂😂

She sounds freakishly obsessed with other people's sex lives

Does she think sex is only for conception and that you and your husband had been celibate until deciding to have a baby? 😅 Everyone knows how babies are made (traditionally) but people don't fixate on it. If you have expressed that it's weird and makes you uncomfortable and she keeps going, then you definitely don't have to be her friend anymore.

What does TTC stand for?

Agree with @Jessica def sounds like the thoughts/ feelings under her words and behaviors are due to trauma. Or jealousy. Or religious indoctrination. Or a past paschal assault. Shame around sex. Shame about her own sex life. Something is very uncomfortable to her about you being pregnant, and that is something I hope she can process and grow through. Bc people are gunna get pregnant around her and it doesn’t have to be this awful, traumatic thing that she can’t deal with! Oof that’s tough for you and for her! Take care of yourself and create distance if that feels best, you can’t change her or reason with her.

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I would keep her very far from the baby

@Melanie trying to conceive

I’d never have her around my child. She sounds unhinged. All I can imagine is her saying to your child how you had sex and the inappropriate comments to a young child which is going to leave you having awkward conversations when the child starts asking questions 🙈 It’s proof you’ve had sex? Most people by the time they’re 20 (being generous) have had sex if they’re not religious 😅 it’s a pretty normal part of adult life.

This tells me 3 things:- 1) She’s potentially jealous and unsettled that your friendship is about to change because of baby. 2) She fancies you 3) She’s just straight up strange. Especially if she thinks no one else knows how babies are made??

One word: jealous Cut her off

Has she had sex? Like I could see making the joke once... If you're a sibling. Definitely weird behavior. I'm sure you know that you can lose friends when you become a mom.

Deadass Is she mentally unwell? Or jealous? lol

There's a lot of messages saying cut her off. I do get it but at the same time if you're friends I'd definitely try to help her first. I get that you probably don't have a lot of time but sometimes small things can make a difference. Maybe you should be asking her if she's OK as it sounds like she may have had some kind of trauma. If she doesn't want to speak to you maybe advice she speak to someone else about it.

She sounds incredibly jealous of the fact that you are in a marriage and have sex with your husband and the fact you are in a stable place to have children. I would 100% cut her off completely you don't need that sort of negativity in your life she will only bring you down. If you need closure then you could clear the air with her and tell her the reasons you have decided not to have contact anymore or you could just leave it and not talk anymore. She's clearly got a lot of issues.

I’d cut her off. Women like her are just jealous because they either can’t have them or even if they got pregnant it wouldn’t be the same situation as yours (married, excited, prepared) so they pretend they don’t want kids and try to make you feel as bad as they do. People who genuinely don’t want kids are super supportive of their expecting friends and don’t make it about them. Pregnancy and weddings show you who your real friends are. It’s ok to outgrow them.

I just think this kind of behavior at her grown age is strange. Like why the obsession with your sex life. And why the sudden obsession with your other friend? Yk?

She’s an absolute fruit cake! Definitely stay clear of her and never let her around your child. The sex comments are insane! Why is that the only thing she’s thinking of

She’s gotta go

Sounds to me like she has had something very traumatic happen to her and that’s why she has a really weird attitude towards pregnancy. The fact she keeps going on about knowing you’ve had sex (which I assume she thinks that of everyone) really points towards something psychologically wrong with her. Yes I’d just stay clear as I don’t think it’s wise to associate

@Melanie trying to conceive

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That's so wired and strange ,what the hell .....why does she have to make it so awkward ....all of this sounds like something an immature teenager would say ,she supposed to be 30 yet sounds like she never had sex lol .....this would creep me out ...please never see this woman this is strange!!

Anyone who looks at a pregnant woman and thinks about her having sex needs help

Sorry what? 😂 she sounds so bizzare, I’d be keeping my distance she sounds like a complete nut case

What a strange human being

Omg I had a friend who suddenly acted like this but about me being in a relationship. I cut contact. Sorry but this is really unhinged and not what you need in your life!

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