To be honest it sounds like he is trying to do all the right things, I just think it’s that you’re spending too much time with each other that’s causing the issue. Things like this happen in these sort of circumstances and like you e said you do love him, I think you need to stop feeling the over baring reaction of resentment towards him because it’ll cause way too much of a rift and try to think about the positives, like how good he is being around the house and that he is overall being a good bloke. Unless there are less people in th house or you had more space there isn’t much that can be done whilst he is wearing a tag
On top of what @Kathryn said the stress and restrictions of it all is surely taking a toll on his mental health as well as yours whilst being pregnant. Would this all feel the same if he wasn’t on tag or if he was working? It sounds like no. Hopefully he doesn’t have much longer on tag and can get back to some form of income soon. Idk how it is over there but if you can’t* work due to pregnancy ask your doctor for temporary disability. See if he can find a wfh job that’s based elsewhere therefore his money is coming from another country or you can wfh. I’m sorry about the situation. Also I’d talk to him about your feelings regarding the lessened intimacy and roommate status
Fyi before anyone says why did I date him in the first place, when we first started talking and during our first year together he never had no problems with police/immigration so I wasn’t aware the full extent of his situation, and he was doing a cash in hand job so he was earning money at the time it’s the last 9mnths since I’ve been pregnant that all this has come to light