Telling family and close friends

How soon do you Tell family and close friends?
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We’re telling family/close friends around 8 weeks. We did the same with our first pregnancy!

had a miscarriage in November and told our parents and family then which sucked bc the miscarriage was really rough and they didn’t know I was preg or even trying before that. We had planned on telling them around 8-10 weeks. We decided this time around we’d want the support if something happened so we told our parents within a few days of finding out (4 weeks), telling siblings after 6 week ultrasound. told a couple of my besties the day i found out. Will tell grandparents prob closer to 10 weeks.

I want to wait until my first ultra sound which will probably be around 10 weeks but it’s hard to wait that long to tell close family so idk what to do

We told only our parents .. everyone else after 1st trimester

I’m going on a girls trip and I don’t think think I will be able to keep it from my sisters and mom so we will be telling our parents and siblings at 6 almost 7 weeks and then we will be telling extended family, and friends around 14 weeks.

I'm 6 weeks and told my family as soon as I found out (2 days before my missed period) but I'll wait to announce it to friends/social media until I have my first appointment/ultrasound which is at 9 weeks.

As someone who has had 4 miscarriages I’m absolutely waiting till 12w. Last time I told my mom at 8w after a good ultrasound and 2 days later miscarried.

@Boryana we had one miscarriage before our son at 8 weeks . That's why we only told our parents and everyone else will know after the 1st trimester

Told close family, but we're waiting longer to tell more people until our ultrasound since our last pregnancy was a miscarriage.

Normally, after our first trimester, but I almost died at 20 weeks with our last pregnancy, I had to have my transvaginal cerclage removed to save my life, our twins were emergency evacuated and cremated, and I was in the ICU; it was absolutely horrific. This time, I have a permanent transabdominal cerclage that was placed in September, and we told our parents and closest friends to build our support system early.

@Nicole I second this. For my first pregnancy, I told too many people too soon. When I miscarried, it made it ten times more devastating. For my second pregnancy, I told my parents right away but waited until after the first trimester to announce it publicly. I plan to do the same with this pregnancy.

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