Hey Sis, would you be able to afford a maid maybe once or twice a week? If he is refusing to help maybe hiring someone will help relieve some of your stress.
Totally feel you with this. There is a way to balance all of this and for him to have time for himself but if he has time for himself he needs to give you time to yourself so every other weekend on one day, he games, on the next weekend he should have kids and look after your house whilst you do something you want to do. Compromise, you’re supposed to be a team and he is massively taking advantage. He also should want to look after his kids. People don’t know what they have until it’s gone. I’d say therapy but if he’s not willing to go then things aren’t going to change and he’s letting both you and your children down by living this way. Also with the gaming thing I’d say it’s extremely unhealthy to be gaming all day every weekend. I understand when people just want a lazy day but there should always be 1 on 1 time with your kids(not you but he needs to do more 1 on 1 time). It’s extremely vital to building a healthy relationship with them, keeping them happy
And also setting examples. Your kids will see he didn’t answer to their cries, your kids will see him gaming all day instead of interacting with them, they’ll see you working your @ss off and doing the best you can for them. But those things are all setting examples to them and will often give them a lot of trauma in their future or they will see it as normal because it was what their dad did. And they shouldn’t have to think that way because it’s not normal. His behaviour isn’t normal. And I’m really sorry that he’s acting like this. All his excuses are really unacceptable
Sounds like you have 4 kids 😔 unfortunately men like this never change until it’s too late, so you need to decide if you want to put up with it forever or start making a plan to leave him. My partner is exactly the same and I think most men are like this tbh
Stop doing certain things, give him lame excuses .