i feel this post so much!!! i have a hyper 2yo too and i want to do nothing alll day. i keep telling ppl i dont remember being this tired while pregnant, then someone told me “well you’ve never had a 2 yo and been pregnant” i also have depression and anxiety and i haven’t been on my normal meds bc idk if i can take them yet and i sure am feeling the effects… to answer your question, no not at all lazy. we’re just so. fucking. tired. PS Vitamin b6 and iron have helped my energy levels come up some, make sure you have that mama! Congratulations on your new little one, i pray you find the balance you’re looking for.
and yes he needs to step it up or i’m gonna get all the mamas on peanut to kick his butt.
Not sure how he was raised or where he got the idea that women should cook for men... From the beginning of your relationship did you know he was like this?
Your not lazy You need to be loved and cared for and put first from your partner. It would be nice if he showed his love by making you a meal and just knowing you're eating well for your pregnancy.
Hell NO, you are not lazy! Your body is LITERALLY making a human which takes an immense amount of energy while substaining the energy to take care of an active toddler and lack of sleep truly doesn't help. He's being a piece sh*t. As a husband he needs to help care for you, especially when you are pregnant. And he can f*co himeself and make is own dang plate of food instead of waking you for sleep (which is highly needed!). Jeez these men 🤬 Im sorry, this just made me made. You by no means are lazy . We marry to have partners to be there for each other and help in life.
Also there has been many times where he has woken me out my sleep to fix him food or grab a drink and the minute i say why can’t he do it he throws a fit and starts saying “that’s what women are for” he believes a man shouldn’t cook for his wife or in his words “warm up food” that’s my job in his book