Thank you so much @Erica we are all currently on day 10 and feel like I’m hanging on by a thread 😔
I was sick for 3 weeks and it set my migraines off. I got an awful rash. My husband was bad too. We had a good 5 days then my son coughed and got a runny nose, now he's had a rash for 5 days and 2 days ago we started feeling awful again! I'm currently still in my pajamas laying in his bed while he has snacks water and watching spidey because let's face it, you don't wanna do anything that requires moving!! I hope you start feeling better soon ❤️🩹 xx
Thank you, you too x
Let 1 parent get rest while the other survives around the kid, probably on the floor with a blanket. Leave lots of snacks and water out for them so they don't bother you for that atleast, lots of TV to distract them because you just have to. Simple meals, forget the cleaning. Do what you can!