yes. every day is just waiting for bedtime at the moment 😅
@Holly Yep…all these things you’ve mentioned too! 🙈 hoping it’s just a phase and part of them testing boundaries and won’t last too long (she says) 😂 copious amounts of wine and ice cream are going to have to be consumed to get me through this stage
@maizie 😮💨 thank god it’s not just me feeling this way because the mum guilt for not enjoying days with him at the moment is real. Literally count down the hours until bedtime
I am the absolute opposite and I hated the infant stage (teething and whining allll day) but love the toddler stage so much. However I work full time 5 days a week so I only see her 1-2 hours at the beginning and end of each day and have to make the most of weekends which helps me enjoy the quality time more. Remember absence makes the heart grow fonder and try and take some time for yourself where you can! 🙈🤣 X
It will get worse before it gets better lol I found airpods really help me keep my sanity. I also use a Baltic Amber necklace and believe it or not but he is MUCH calmer with the necklace on.
The clinginess has definitely ramped up... And contrarily the defiance at the same time? Like my wee one only wants to walk beside the road/next to a steep hill that leads to fast moving water. And god forbid I try to make sure he's not near those things 😳😂 we go a walk and he will walk the opposite direction, he'd walk for miles ignoring me not bothered that he's getting further away. But when we get home he's stuck to me 😂 can't win hey? We can share e wine though, from a distance if you're too far away to do it irl 😂