Tired of being a mother

I see so much online of people being obsessed with their babies and loving being a mother, but I’m so tired. I’m angry all the time, I’m exhausted, and I feel like I’m losing more of myself every day. I love my son, but sometimes I question is I was meant to be a mother. I’m so tired of being a parent when I can’t even take care of myself.
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Hey mama! You surely are meant to be a mother, you have it in you! But it’s true you cannot pour from an empty cup, do you have family or friends that can help you look after your baby for couple of days so you can have some time to yourself? Remember motherhood isn’t perfect and what we see online is only a fraction of what people choose to show us, don’t let it rob you of your joy. You’ve got this!!! ❤️

Are you getting the support and help you need? It’s a lot to take on, on your own. Even if you aren’t getting the reassurance or emotional help it can leave you feeling like this. Try reaching out to someone you trust about how you feel, or mental health services? Feel free to message me to vent 🩷

I feel this. I had my daughter at 18 and at the time I was full like omg this is amazing it's such a blessing!!!- and it is, don't get me wrong. But it can be exhausting. Especially when you're on your own and you don't even know where or when to ask for help because you feel like you never know what you're doing anyways... it can be really tough. And the older they get the more you have to deal with, and relearn everything. You're almost relearning how to parent your child every day and that can get really frustrating because things that have worked for the past year, all of a sudden don't work anymore. All your go to methods like driving them to sleep and the comfort of breastmilk are temporary. they grow up and learn ways around it and then you have to find something new and start wondering why it's not working anymore. The problem is not your parenting skills mama, the problem is your baby is growing up and becoming independent and that's especially hard to watch when you get

Try putting baby in after school program it will give you a couple hours to yourself . Im currently like this with my son he is 11 months he cries a-lot because of separation anxiety basically a velcro baby and i felt like i was losing myself so i started putting him in after school for a couple hours everyday and he is getting better at not wanting to latch on to me and cry or just having tantrums because i leave the room. If you don't have support seek other support outside besides family . Do your research on programs for your child, after school programs it really would help

I felt the same. I didnt hate being a mother. I enjoyed it. But I hate being the only one responsible, I hate the constant anxiety, the mum guilt and the feeling of never being able to switch off. I hate that I cant enjoy being a mother because I am overwhelmed and at loss with identity. Motherhood is savage. But the difference now from the past? Unless you pay for nursery. There's no village

I felt like this in the beginning, turns out I had severe postpartum anxiety and depression. I had to take Zoloft and it worked wonders for me and I got off it after about 6 months of use. It gets better 💝

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