With the contraception pill it messes with your hormones, maybe going to your doctors and see if you can take a hormone balancer along side your pill. Also just a little side note.. if your taking any type of antibiotics now or for future reference it can lessen the affects of the pill.
I found this with Desogestrel and it also made me really bloated. Drs did loads of tests and everything looked fine but said one of the side effects is bloating so put it down to that. I wouldn’t say I had low moods but everything used to make me cry (mainly happy tears). Once I stopped taking it I felt less bloated and stopped crying haha
Im thinking of stopping them. I hate how fat i am considering how less I eat
When I was on bc I put on so much weight. Plus every other thing on your list a lot of women always go through when on pretty much any bc. Good thing is when you stop taking them your body will definitely get back to normal. It may take upto 2 years to do so or much faster.