I was due August, my baby was born 1st Sept. I went on maternity leave in July. Had a month on annual leave too. I work in care so it was getting very difficult to do everything I did before. My risk assessments at work was going extreme so I agreed to finish earlier than I wanted x
my baby was born at 40+5, my work let me WFH for the last month or so and i worked up until the day i went into labour. 🤣 not for everyone but i was lucky my work was accommodating to my decision. i made the decision so i could have more time with baby after, and i didn’t wanna take mat leave too early for baby to come late and then having like a month off before or something, i think i would have got bored!
I worked up to 38+5. Then took 2 week annual leave. I work in an office so it wasn't too hard to stay that late. Means I get longer off with him this side of it. I wouldnt change anything x
I’m a teacher and (accidentally) planned it perfectly so my mat leave started in September (he was born on the 5th), have the whole year off, I will go back for a full week before summer holidays to get full pay over holidays then back again in September. Definitely try do that again
Work as close as you can. You will want to spend more time off when baby is here x
I finished at 37 weeks with my 3rd born last year, and it was the right time for me. I was tired and even sitting down all day was killing my back, plus you need that time to get things sorted and just put your feet up! She didn't arrive until 40+6 though 😅
I went on mat leave with my first when she was born at 28 weeks and my second I worked until 36 weeks and then he arrived at 37 weeks- actually wish I’d got a bit more time at home with my feet off to be honest!
I’m a teacher and due end of September. Hoping to then have the year off but return just before the next summer holidays to get paid for the summer. Can never fully plan these things as who knows what is to come, but I’m hoping to just work up until due date which will be just a few weeks in class, probably just supporting my cover teacher tbh.
I took 2 weeks annual leave and then started my maternity leave from my due date. I am pregnant with baby number 2 and will be doing the same this time! X
In due July 17th and work in a school. I am taking my mat leave from the 3rd July if all goes to plan unless LO decides to make an appearance with us early
I work in complex special needs education and am planning on starting my maternity at 36/7weeks. I think by that point I'll be ready for the rest. Work is very full on mentally more than anything, and the constantly being understaffed is not helping matters. I am also awaiting an additional scan as baby was measuring small at my 20 week scan, so I may end up going on maternity even earlier if baby is too small. With my first I also working in SEN within a mainstream secondary and was due to go on maternity at 36 weeks, but lockdown happened so I actually started maternity a week earlier as I couldn't physically be at work.
I planned to start my maternity leave at 37 weeks but LO arrived before I’d finished work
I went at 38 weeks both times and took two weeks annual leave. Both mine were ten days late. I worked in an office job. It was perfect time as first time we had new teams being organised and a departmental shakeup and second time the office was moving locations so I was made redundant so received a great redundancy package after being there years.
Worked till 39 weeks; baby was born 39+5. I worked from home for most of the pregnancy but could have done with a full week off to put my feet up and relax before baby. That being said, I’ll probably do 39 weeks again and just hope baby comes after a week. X
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I finished at 37 weeks. I have am intense job in a hospital and even when they put me on non clinical desk duties it really took it out of me. I had a c section at 39 weeks so just had 2 weeks at home to kill, wasn't too bad.
I think it depends on you and your job. I’m a nurse and couldn’t cope with the walking at 30 weeks and had to go on sick leave. Was suppose to go on leave at 35
Im going 38 as it’s not clear if I’ll need a c section with my placenta and my boss needs 5 weeks notice so I’m playing it a little safe and going 2 week I do have a week off before that annual leave too so not too bad so technically I’ll have 3 weeks but with barely sleeping and starting to really get ligament pains now I feel like I’ll be more the ready as I’m 50/50 on my feet all day
Last baby I went off at 36 weeks, this one I had to be signed off sick as I have been really struggling but should’ve been going off at 35 weeks x
It depends on so many factors. If you can, then you could work up until a week before your due date - as others have said it means you get more time with your baby. This is what I did with my first. I also did this with baby number 2. However wish I had finished 3 weeks beforehand. I had horrendous PGP, massive bump and was exhausted from looking after my toddler being pregnant. I also had a different job this time which was more physical. Personally, I never got bored on maternity leave prior to baby’s arrival. I managed to rest, sleep, nest, bulk cook, prep… everyone is different so do what you think would work for you. Xx
I'm going a month before my due date as I'm working in retail and commuting between two cities, mostly by train. I'm also doing my masters so it would give me some time to focus on my assessments hopefully.
With my first I worked up until birth, but due to such a quick birth this time I’ve finished 3 weeks early 😊 x
I will officially finish at 35 weeks, but because of school holidays my last day will be 33 weeks. I was planning on going longer but what swayed it was the fact that it's the only 'me' time I will have for a very long time! I plan on making the most of those extra weeks and have a good sort of the house, and plenty of relaxing too x
It really depends on the type of job you have and what you think you can manage. My job was standing on my feet all day without the ability to sit down/take breaks because I am a baker/ chef in a busy kitchen. Along with baking first thing in the morning to manage the cakes and sweet treats I would then cook food all day and it wasn’t the type of place I could just sit down if and when needed so this made up my mind for me and opted to go as early as I could. I went off on my mat leave week 33 and it does mean I’ll start back at work slightly sooner but I chose it that way because of the need to rest more whilst heavily pregnant
I'm a nanny and I will be taking mat leave at 31 weeks x I'm lucky I can take it early x
Planned to work until 39+2... baby arrived 38+6 so my mat leave actually started 39w. I wanted as long off as possible with pay after and also had parents evening (I'm a teacher) that last week which I wanted to make it to. Baby obviously didn't want to sit through that though! I think next time I'll go off earlier, it just happened that I was due second to last week of term so going off at the holidays before would've been far too early to go off.
I took 2 weeks off before my due date and started my actual mat leave the day before my due date. Done the same thing twice and it’s worked perfectly so would def do it if we had a third!
Gonna take 2 weeks annual leave then start my maternity leave one week before due date e
With my first, I kept working until I was 39 and a half weeks pregnant.. I'm a teacher, and I absolutely regretted it, I wish I had just that little bit more rest time. This time around, I leave at May half term with my maternity leave officially starting the week pupils go back for the final summer term. I'll be 37 weeks this time (36 when I leave) so I can have more time with my first plus some rest time.. depending on how much rest you can get with a two year old 😂😂
Depends on your job situation and how you’re feeling closer to your due date. My plan is to take a week of PTO before my due date and start mat leave thereafter, but I work from home, so it makes it a little more manageable.
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I finished 38+1 and baby arrived 40+2, I was bored but if I did it again I’d do the same but embrace that boredom 😂
I went on mat leave with first at the end of my 36 week. She was then not here until 42 weeks. This time I planned the same as having a elective section xx
I went on mat leave the month I was due and honestly worked for me as it was summer and I just couldn’t hack the heat and standing up a lot as would swell. Definitely wouldn’t have changed anything🙂 I wanted the most of my mat leave once baby was born.
It's really up to you and what type of job you have ,how the pregnancy is going. I was really sick and exhausted, but work mostly from home . I was 38weeks went I took 2weeks annual leave prior to my maternity leave which started just before I gave birth
I took 6 weeks off before my due date because I was due at the end of January so I had some annual leave for Christmas in there. The first couple of weeks with Christmas/new year were great, but I got SO BORED all of January when my partner went back to work. Trouble is, I work in events so it made sense with the events calendar to not bother going back to work in January but i defo wouldn’t take that long off again if I had the choice. Mind you, commuting to London was getting harder, but I could still have continued to work a bit longer
I’m planning to start mat leave at 36 weeks but do have leave booked for 34&35 weeks x
I work in an office, so worked right up until labour. I was in early stages while at work without knowing. As others have said it completely depends on your job! I think k would leave a little earlier next time to spend some time with my first before the baby comes.
I went off at 37 with my last baby and tbh that was perfect for me I had 3 weeks to just prepare and relax
Last baby I went at 30 weeks This baby I’ll be leaving at 26 weeks to work from home until 33 weeks
First baby I was made redundant so was technically on mat leave my entire pregnancy 😂. This time I’m going at 38 weeks then taking week annual leave. I’m having a super easy pregnancy again and work in an office so not like it’s hard work.
I work in a school and was due end of September 2024. I went off at 38 weeks as the school holidays ended as I didn't want to risk going into labour at work! My LG came at 42 weeks (after induction). If I'm still in the same job, it would depend when baby is due and how I felt during the pregnancy as I had a pleasant pregnancy this time even in the summer heat.
I finished at 34 weeks but took 4 weeks of annual leave then had mat leave start the week before she was due/came.
I’m taking a weeks annual leave at 37 weeks & then starting maternity leave at 38 weeks. I have an office job & will be allowed to WFH full time from 34/35 weeks ish
I worked until 37 weeks as a teacher. I could not have worked another day!!
With first I had about 2 weeks of annual leave before starting maternity leave at 38 weeks, I had her at 38+3. This time, my maternity leave starts on my due date but I have just shy of 4 week annual leave to still take so finishing bang on 36 weeks. I expect to deliver between 38-39 weeks due to gestational diabetes this time. X
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At that time I worked as an assistant manager in a hotel/ restaurant so that meant being on my feet and running around all day. I made it to 36 weeks and then used 3 weeks holiday, I officially started maternity leave at 39 weeks, the day my daughter was born. But I would always try to plough through and work as close to birth as you can, as maternity leave with your baby will never feel long enough. I work in an office sat down all day now and if I had another I would try to work till I gave birth.
I mean I wasn’t due to go on maternity leave till 37 weeks but I gave birth at 35 weeks 😂😂
@Ella what age group do you work with?? I'm a TA and choosing to go at 38 weeks we've just had 2 teachers go. One went at 37 weeks one at 39 weeks. I'm wondering now if I'm going to manage till 38 weeks admittedly 😅
I worked till 35 weeks as I don’t drive and my commute to work is killer x
Im taking two weeks before.
I wfh and took a week of holiday before due date and started maternity on due date. I would do the same again as was going out of my mind with boredom and wanted her to come as she was 6 days over. I maybe wouldn’t even do the week before if I had another, I’d just make sure I was ready work wise.