Shared parental leave

Can schools refuse that you use this? Nobody at my school has ever used SPL but it would make such a difference to my partner and I. I just want to spend as much time with my baby as possible, especially since we have had a full term loss previously. We have also recently become an academy so I’m unsure if this changes things?
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Hello, my understanding is that they can’t refuse if you apply for 3 separate blocks of continuous leave. I used SPL Teachers who helped me put the forms together - I recommend!

They cannot refuse if you submit separate forms for each block, I believe they can if you do it all on one form. I also used the above named company, completely worth the cost to get nearly 9 weeks full pay, and they can back your corner if work refuse/make it difficult.

Your school may have a specific SPL policy - ask if they have one before applying :)

@Jessica also used and recommend. They’ll support you if school say no- which they can’t, it’s an entitlement

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