Ovulation medication

Has anyone been on letrozole & or been on it with metformin? What were your experiences & how effective was the treatment?
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I was on letrozole when i had to do IUIs. I had mild headaches that went away the more i took it. 2 failed IUI cycles for me. Ended up moving on to IVF

I was on letrozole while going through timed intercourse. Overall not bad, and few headaches.

Did it result in pregnancy for either of you?

@Ivy Rose it worked as far as it made me ovulate but both my IUIs failed. Im pregnant currently due to moving on to IVF. Hopefully Letrozole works for you though

@Ivy Rose I just recently had a chemical pregnancy. I am hoping it will continue to work with the other medication in the next round.

Are you using metformin & letrozole Amanda?

I am using prednisone and letrozole.

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