@DeJah I also used to do this. But I started around 4/5 or so. I was shamed for it as I was most things I did that were “wrong”. I definitely don’t want to shame her. It’s fine for her to do it in the privacy of her room- I know a 2 year old definitely isn’t thinking it as sexual- just a good feeling that helps her fall asleep. I just don’t want her to start doing it in other places or around guests. Ya know? Thank you for your response!!
Definitely!! I felt shame too when I found out I didn’t know any better and had did it infront of one of my aunts I heard her talking to my mom about it. I started around 3/4 years old too. Definitely make it a convo n for now try n tire her out in other ways. Maybe park before dinner, bath before bed , baby workout before bed ect. It’s more so something to make u feel tired n get rid of energy I think
My sister did it as early as 2. And she did do it in public (once at church lol) my mom would always just distract her with something interesting because of course she didn’t want to shame her.
So - I use to do this. Up until I was like maybe 10-12. I realized it was like basically masturbating because it felt different then usual….. but I would do it because I know it helped me sleep I would feel calm n tired after. I have no advice sadly but if you don’t want her to continue doing this. If she continues when she’s older just have a conversation about it.