Bad advice. Night weaning from milk isn’t advised until 12-18m and water should only be given in small amounts with meals usually.
If I did that my little one would never have enough milk. He's a fussy, distracted little snacker in the day. I'm pretty relaxed about it. They're still little, if they want milk at night then I don't get why thats an issue unless it's constant like mine 🙈
@Rebecca same here. She went months without a night feed but since 6 months has been waking hungry and it is the only way to get her intake up 😅 she only has 1 usually around 2-3am. Plus I find it helps to get her to go back to sleep otherwise she gets distracted practicing her new skills 🤦🏼♀️
@Skye babies, once 6 months, should be given as much water as they wish to drink with each meal. Normally, suggesting water instead of milk is to see if they are waking for a feed or comfort, especially if they wake multiple times
@Lucy waking for comfort or a feed is biologically normal and according to multiple societies, not something that should be weaned off from until 12-18m. NHS advice is to offer ‘sips’ with food only, which would not likely be given throughout the night.
@Skye I would never advocate stopping night feeds, merely suggesting why a HV would ever suggest water at night. The idea being if they take a sip of water at night, they are hungry, if they don't its comfort. Sips of water with meals is not an amount, it's purely stating that it should be sipped, not from a bottle. They should always have as much water as they wish to sip. Understandably the website can be misconstrued
@Lucy we can agree to disagree I know lots of people are likely on either side. I’d rather offer a feed than water but that’s my opinion. Admittedly the NHS does not state an amount to drink but they do state it should be given with food. Solid Starts also only recommends about 2-4oz so not to take away from other nutrients but they’re also not a medical body. Again, down to opinion then I suppose!
Solid starts is not recommended or endorsed by the nhs. I'm assuming like my family does you also work for the nhs? The water option at night again is to see if baby wants a feed. This mainly concerns breast feeding mums who are up every 1-2 hours to determine if baby wants to feed or comfort suck. Like I said, I'd never advocate not feeding at night. My lo feeds once or twice and my nephew who's 2 feeds once. Babies naturally need to feed, and feeding to sleep also natural. I understand everyone has different opinions but I think it best to always follow advice from the nhs, but that is just my opinion. At the end of the day, every baby is very different. Mums generally know what's best for their babies so they should follow their instinct and reference with the nhs, their GP or HV. The main thing I think is us mums help support each other to ensure we provide absurd amounts of love to our LOs by letting each other know they aren't alone x
@Lucy 100% agree! I don’t work for the NHS anymore but a few in my family still do. I would mostly advocate for following NHS advice, but GP’s and HV’s have steered me and many others wrong due to lack of education. Huge supporter of always letting mums know they’re not alone though I agree. Also refreshing to just talk to someone on here normally without name calling and arguments x
Does your little one have 3 meals through the day too ??? No milk through the night is fine I don't offer milk I only offer water has my little girl eats enough throughout the day and still take formula not loads but eats plenty xx