
Growing a human is no joke: the hormones, the sickness, the baby names. Peanut is here to share real stories from real women and expert advice to support you.

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Leaving baby overnight - when

I'm currently expecting my first baby at the start of April. My sister in law to be is having her hen do planned and dates around second / third weekend in June are being floated about. This would be away and potentially a 3 hour drive away. No one has battered an eye lid at the fact I'll have a young baby which mak...


Hospital Visitors

How many people did you have/allow to visit you once the baby was born in the hospital? My husband and I decided to have people visit in the hospital rather than coming home and having visitors before we get settled with a routine. I have a split family and he has a small close one. So his aunts/uncles would be inv...


Maternity pads

Which maternity pads would you recommend for the first days? I think I would rather use pads and knickers than wear pull ups 😅 I have Asda ones and not sure if I should grab some other ones too to try out


Sex Vs pessary

I've seen some people say that having sex three times gives the same effect as having the induction pessary, is that three times a day or week? And does that mean if sex isn't working so far, that the pessary won't work either?



Please mention anything that is specifically an American culture. Even if it's not practiced a lot today .😁.


No heart beat dected

Hey all I'm hoping someone can give me some advice i went in for a scan yesterday I thought i was 7 weeks turned on I'm only 6weeks 0days and they couldn't detect a heart beat ive booked another scan of 2 weeks times has this happened to anyone else I just need to know its going to be ok thank you xx


Boy Name

We are using James as a middle name but have decided we quite like JJ for their name. So looking for another J name so it —— James aka JJ. I said Jospeh James and he likes Jack James and I don’t like Jack and he doesn’t like Joseph 🤣 Any other J names


Vbac after two c sections?

Is it possible or has anybody ever tried for a vbac after two c sections and if so, is it something docs in the uk will support you with?!



i’ve got bad discomfort in my lower area, feels like a very and i mean very weak period discomfort i must add i’m 34 weeks and have been told my lo don’t have much room left to grow and he’s head down and engaged i’ve not lost my mucus plus or anything should o he worried because paracetamol don’t work for me


Labour signs or just me been paranoid🥲🥹

I have been having braxton hicks since I was in my 25 weeks and now that I’m 34+ it’s just been very uncomfortable, they last hours, they are painful and it’s everyday, they go and come back. I can feel heavy pressure on my pelvis when I sit down or walk and I’ve been using the toilet more frequent and now I’m start...



For those that were not high risk, did you ever get an ultrasound during third trimester with your OB? It’s so scary to think that there won’t be any ultrasounds done. How do they know everything is okay? My last ultrasound with my OB was at 12 weeks.



I joined well got invited in a group for a galentines day party! Hosted for apparently over 30-40 girls coming ! I’ve Been socializing in the group for 3 weeks till 3 days ago! This girl who created the group asked me if I’m still bringing tacos to the party I meant to get back to her but totally forgot! It’s been 3...


Anyone awake?

I can literally never sleep for longer than 4 hours at a time. I’ve woken up with nausea and cramping. I just feel gross😮‍💨


Babys here

Our beautiful boy Elliot came into the world 16 days early on the morning of 8th February 2025 at 1:43am after a very tiring 22 hours 13 minutes of natural labour, weighing 7lb 1oz. 😍 I couldnt have done it without babys dad Stu and my mum both were amazing and so supportive ❤️


Did anyone decide not to go to any scans or check ups/appointments during pregnancy?

What did your hospital/midwife say? Did it affect how they treated you during delivery?



Anyone else had a miscarriage 💔 and if so what helped you to get through it it hurts so bad I wish that he was still here with me 😭💙👼🏻

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