Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
I wanted to wait the recommended 6 months AT LEAST but I got a positive pregnancy test. I really do want a second child though. I wanted my kids to be born super close together. But I am a bit scared for the risks since it’s so soon
Hi everyone. I’m currently 22 weeks pregnant and I can feel baby moving which is exciting. My friends are also excited too. But they keep shaking my belly and poking my belly. I’m wanting to keep my baby safe. Is this something that can harm my baby ?
First time mom here and I’ve a low lying placenta, kind of makes me cautious because I don’t feel the baby kicking I’m 22 weeks and haven’t really felt the baby kick at all I also don’t have much of a bump and makes me really sad seeing everyone else having bumps and I just mainly look bloated I could get away with ...
Anyone else’s belly button turn brown during pregnancy? Does it ever go back to normal?
Does anyone else find they sweat way more now than before giving birth? I got that it would happen in the first few weeks postpartum but I'm 10 months postpartum and it is ridiculous how hot and sweaty I feel all the time 🥵🥵🥵
I have a diabetes test tomorrow morning at 8am, is there anything I should know or be aware of before and during this appointment? I’m confused on whether or not I’m allowed to eat or drink before it.
Not a single bloody sign of becoming a mumma soon! Despite being 2cm at my last midwife appointment and her being convinced I would of had baby by this weekend my body just doesn’t seem to be on board with the idea of evacuating this baby… anyone else in the same boat? No amount of sex, walking, pineapple or spicy ...
32 weeks and feel like I’m carry different even from the other day. Feel like he’s super low, movements really low, bumps dropped and he’s weighing a little above average. Should I be expecting early labour or anyone else feel like this? 🤣
I just came from the midwife and my glucose tested positive and am measuring 40 weeks now at 37+5. I had a GD test at 20 something weeks and it was negative, anyone get GD late and what happened? Did you get induced early? I have another GD test to be scheduled in the next few days but just curious!
I feel like I’m really worried about losing myself and my freedom during pregnancy/motherhood. It’s really upsetting me. And I’m scared it will trap me in one area where I feel like I can’t travel etc.
I failed by literally 11 points 😭 how do you guys think the three hour will go? Not looking forward to it. This one made me nauseous which it didn’t do with my first pregnancy :((
How do people get out of bed in the third trimester? I am putting my legs down first and pushing myself up slowly with my arms but every time I seem to hurt my stomach?! Is this just normal in the third trimester? Feeling quite heavy now 🤣
Mine is September 18th :)
I failed my 1 hour glucose test…does the next one make you feel as awful as the 1 hour does or worse? ☹️ super not excited honestly. TIA!
Ladies, I’m so stressed and nervous now I just got diagnosed with preeclampsia while flying (I’m a flight attendant) and I was pulled off of work I was so scared and crying and nervous I’ve been having issues and was considered high risk already my baby was due October 27th and now she will be coming October 6-12th ...
30 weeks 6 days
40+6 and I am getting inpatient. 😤 I'm at a birthing center so they won't induce until I'm hitting 42 weeks(they have to transfer to hospital). Or they will send me to the hospital if they do the stress test on wendsday and decided her hearts rate is not where it's supposed to be. I don't hit 42 weeks until the…
I had my gtt on Tuesday past and got my results on Wednesday. Spoke to dietitian on the phone on Thursday and was given a diet plan to follow until I get my testing kit - not getting it to Friday (8 days from speaking to dietitian). Today is day 3 of following the said diet plan, and I'm so weak, could feel like I c...
What do you think?
Sooo how likely is it that I’m going to have to take the next glucose test 🥲🥲🥲 anyone?