Medically-reviewed expert guides, tips, real-life stories, and articles on Pregnancy.
Hi all, My midwife has discussed a possible need to be induced early (early April) or have a C-section as baby is measuring very large (and I am very small!). I know a few people who have been induced and all of them have said it was awful, not to do it, they regretted it etc. Just wondering if anyone had any p...
I am pretty stuck on Briony but I kind of wanted it double barrelled do you think that might be too much? But I also like Marnie? Also has anyone got any suggestions for a second name for it to be double barrelled? My due dates like 4 weeks away and I’m stressed 😂🫶🏼 Im so stuck please help
I’m currently 35 weeks and for the past 2 weeks baby has been moving like crazy, but since my midwife appointment 2 days ago, they’ve really slowed down, I still feel movements here and there but no crazy roll and turns like before. Anyone else experienced this and everything turned out to be fine?
Hi folks, We're having monthly growth scans due to a history of recurrent losses. The centiles started at 55, and each time we go are dropping. Today we measured at 25 (last month at 38), and it's due to babies femur length always measuring behind. Does this seem normal to you to keep dropping and to have a femur ...
Hey everyone, I had a growth scan yesterday and everything looked good in terms of oxygen levels, placenta flow, and amniotic fluid. However, my baby is now on the 20th percentile, down from 33% just two weeks ago (a 13% drop). They’ve reassured me it’s not a major concern unless there’s a drop of over 30% or if fet...
Has anyone had there son circumcised on here i need some advice on after care as my son is being done tomorrow at 3 months old
Hi all, this is my 12+3 scan. I did early bloods with sneak peek at 6 weeks and was advised of the gender however, I’ve now seen so many bad reviews and incorrect results🫣 What’s your opinion? Boy or girl? Thanks in advance x
This is ridiculous I haven’t breastfed at all with this child, milk supply came in late but I’m still leaking 13 days post birth, I get the sharpest pain in my nipple and when I look they’re leaking, if I don’t wear a bra then my tops are really wet! I’m sure it didn’t take this long with my first and I breastfed ...
I had my first baby in December 2023- now 14 months, I was induced and after three pretty traumatic days ended in an emergency c-section- which I was pretty devastated about. The whole experience was really traumatic for both me and my partner. I am due my second in August (2 under 2- God help me!! 😅) and am…
I had a membrane sweep yesterday. Was 1cm dilated and cervix forward and soft but still long. Since last night whenever I wipe I have tiny pink stained mucous spots. Is this a good sign things are getting going? 🤞 37+4 but have gestational hypertension so baby needs to come soon(ish).