Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.
Rory finally here at 42+2 weeks and weighing a big 9lb 2oz. Failed VBAC sadly so please hit me up with your best C Section recovery tips! I can’t remember it being this painful before 🫣
I wondered to know people's opinions and experiences with this. I've said the partner who earns the most pays the child benefit tax but don't know how much that will be or how it works. Not sure whether claiming is worth it at all, we are both closer to £60k mark and would be putting the money in baby's (newly born...
Hi all, Hoping for some advice/info please. I’m 9+2 and 42, so reasonably geriatric as first time mum’s go🙂! Can anyone advise when my NIPT testing is likely to happen and what the results look like/say, would anyone mind showing their results? The pic is from US results, I think. Are the UK results as clear…
Do I need to take a towel to the hospital with me or do they have towels ? I’d rather not have to take another bag 😂
Hi ladies, I’m 31+2 weeks, and me and my partner had sexy time and he finished in me last night. All day today since I’ve woke up, when I’ve been wiping, this stringy, clear, jelly like mucus has been coming out of me. Is this my mucus plug? Should I be worried? Thanks all!
I was admitted today to be induced but baby’s heartbeat is making it impossible once it dipped down to 70 and then after 4 hour again on the monitor he goes above 170 then 90 them suddenly 236 then 99 and now still on monitor but just sitting in the hospital and nothing else to be done other than monitor him to see ...
Cord fell off about 3 days ago. Keep finding blood on clothes and now accidentally touched it with wipe and blood is coming out??
What does everyone think? 🤔 (might have to click onto the pic properly to see) Due 2nd August 2025
What are we all packing drink wise in our hospital bags? Some have recommended lucozade sport, others have recommended normal lucozade, stuck on what to pack!
I had a membrane sweep (41 weeks) with my midwife today, but I'm not dilated enough for her to do it. Ever since I left, I've been leaking water, and now I'm wondering if even just touching the cervix can kickstart labor? Just looking for a bit of hope 😭
Has anyone else’s 12 week scan confirmed they are actually further than what you’ve calculated yourself? I’m 10 weeks but I’m sure I’m more … Xx
Went in for reduced movement last night (all ok just had a really quiet day) but I wonder if I was having braxton hicks? I never had with my first but there was quite a distinctive tightening and this was what the monitor picked up. Just wondering if it looks familiar to anybody else, I’m probably reading it all w...
On and off period pains.. no tightening, no mucus plug/bloody show, has anyone else has this? 37 weeks today 🩷
Hi all, currently 20 weeks pregnant with my first and starting to think about what I need for my hospital bag - I have no idea of how much of anything I will need to take to the hospital for both me and baby! X
I'm 36 weeks and baby is breech. I have been offered an ECV which I am not very keen on but it means taking a vaginal delivery off the table for me, which I am a bit sad about (unless baby decides to move spontaneously). If anyone's previously had one I'd be interested to hear about your experience!
How to quantify if the baby has been moving less? What should be considered as reduced? I am confused and worried at same time
I have an anterior placenta and actually have felt movement for some time but no consistent pattern. Had my midwife last week who told me I should start to keep an eye on movement but I’m not sure how long to wait is normal etc. she said I’ll know my own routine which maybe will come soon but wondered if anyone else...
We would like a name with at least one nice nickname and a Greek root. Open to middle name suggestions too!
How is everyone coping? I'm 31 weeks and sleeping terribly, getting about 5 hours of broken sleep each night. I'm still working full time (and pretty much full time in the office). I've just negotiated 1 day a week from home, and that felt like I was asking a lot. I've only been at my company since October and still...
What signs did you have that labor was near? Like next 24hrs near