Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.
Hi mummies, I’m due with my little man in 6 weeks and I’m having a hard time deciding whether to circumcise or not. My questions are What was the healing like for your boys? How old were they when they were circumcised? How was the procedure done for your son? And why did you choose to circumcise? Tia xoxo
2nd baby girl due 21st April 🎀
Is anyone else experiencing pressure in their bum?
I am 39+5 today and having my elective C-section this afternoon and due to a breach presentation. This is my first pregnancy and I am so nervous today but I know what to expect in the theatre. C-section mamas can you please give some advice of tips on how to look after the C-section scar and the recovery process f...
Mums, when did you start buying bits for your baby? And when did you pack your hospital bag? I’m 21 weeks and pregnant with my second but don’t know what im doing this time round 😂 baby brain isn’t helping!
40+1 guys🥲 i have a sweep yesterday and have haf some bleeding, which is fine according to the midwife. Ive just gone toilet and ive had a bloody show... soooo, for those ladies who had a bloody show, how long until labour?! I need this baby out🥹
I’m 40 weeks today and I went to the toilet and when I wiped I had discharge more like clear and pale yellow ish. Has anybody had that and know what it could potentially be? I am seeing a doctor today to monitor the baby because he hasn’t grown drastically since my 36 week scan (only by 200 grams) in the space of ...
My waters broke last night at 11:30pm. Since then I’ve been having contractions every 10 minutes and it hasn’t progressed at all! I am so frustrated. I went to the birth centre but they sent me back home because they said they need to be 3/4 minutes apart even though I am having 1 minute contractions. I really don’t...
4D scans, did you have one? Are they worth it? Been thinking about it for a while now but my partner isn’t keen as he thinks they’re ‘creepy’ 😂
Will be 31 weeks on Saturday does anyone else feel as though their movements are more baby moving around rather than kicks?
Going to try and keep this short as possible. My baby has been trying to get her left foot for weeks, she finally did it a few days ago, but she’s just not interested in the right foot. She looks at it a couple times, but not bothered by it, she puts her hand on her right knee but that’s as far as it goes or even t...
13 week nhs scan. What are we thinking? I really thought I was having a boy but this scan is giving me girl vibes 🤷🏼♀️🫶🏼
It’s my first pregnancy and now 29 weeks, when do I start having growth scans? I’m just really curious and eager to know how my baby is doing or growing okay. I heard the midwife say 29cm when she measured my belly with tape on my 28th week but haven’t heard anything from my midwife or during appointments about scan...
Hi Anyone who had a C-section experiencing significant shoulder tip pain after? I'm currently two days post op and still in hospital as pain isn't being managed. I expected pain from operation but the shoulder pain is quite extreme at times and is impacting on my ability to hold LO, feed him etc. it makes me feel...
I’m 26 weeks pregnant, I’ve felt baby moving for a month or so now, and it seems entirely logical to me that how I feel the baby’s movements will change. Surely as the baby is growing and moving about in there, I will feel different sensations…? And I have! I understand there are risks but if baby is less active one...
hey so I’m trying my best to be more active in this pregnancy but at the minute only doing like 5000 steps a day because I feel SO tired and it’s making me feel really guilty , is anyone else experiencing this?
Hi! At what point after c section are you wearing a pad or diaper? Is this something that midwifes are taking care of when you are still under the anaesthetics or should you wear it when going into the theatre? How does it work like in UK?
My oldest child had an infection when born as well as jaundice we stayed in hospital for 5 days in a side room where my husband could stay with us overnight. However with our new baby I’m completely unsure if husbands/partners can stay overnight. If my labour is mid day for instance and we get kept in overnight is ...
Hey has anyone expereicned cramping or stabbing pain in the groin area at 16 weeks? I’ve got a bit of lower back pain as well
Is anyone else experiencing crazy postpartum sweats?! I’m 13 PP and the nights are horrendous!