Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
Hi mummies, I’m due with my little man in 6 weeks and I’m having a hard time deciding whether to circumcise or not. My questions are What was the healing like for your boys? How old were they when they were circumcised? How was the procedure done for your son? And why did you choose to circumcise? Tia xoxo
My waters broke last night at 11:30pm. Since then I’ve been having contractions every 10 minutes and it hasn’t progressed at all! I am so frustrated. I went to the birth centre but they sent me back home because they said they need to be 3/4 minutes apart even though I am having 1 minute contractions. I really don’t...
40+1 guys🥲 i have a sweep yesterday and have haf some bleeding, which is fine according to the midwife. Ive just gone toilet and ive had a bloody show... soooo, for those ladies who had a bloody show, how long until labour?! I need this baby out🥹
Hey all! This time around, I'm having a planned caesarian section as having my first born was quite traumatic and ended up being a category 2 emergency ❤️ Any planned section mamas here who have been through it before, what can I expect from a planned section?
First baby, 2cm dilated and having irregular contractions - hospital have said I’m in early labour! anyone been in a similar boat and has labour been near? No other signs so far and due date not for another 2 weeks!
My oldest child had an infection when born as well as jaundice we stayed in hospital for 5 days in a side room where my husband could stay with us overnight. However with our new baby I’m completely unsure if husbands/partners can stay overnight. If my labour is mid day for instance and we get kept in overnight is ...
I’m sad, but I’m now 2 weeks overdue with a couple of monitoring issues with baby, so I’m being induced. Currently just had the pessary, and started at being about 1.5/2cms dilated with a very low baby and soft cervix. Does anyone have any positive stories to make me feel better about this? I really wanted to avo...
Got propess inserted at 8 am yesterday, contractions started at 5pm yesterday, they were pretty unbearable. Eased a bit and became bearable around 8pm. Got took to the delivery suite at 6am to break my waters but I wasn't even a cm dilated, but my contractions were coming up every 3 mins at sitting around 80 on the ...
Just went for a wee, I stopped as I thought I heard something then carried on but during that last 2 seconds I felt a really weird sensation and more liquid come out. Now I'm not sure if baby just put pressure on my bladder at the same time so it felt weird and peed a bit more or if my waters went. I'm currently lyi...
37 weeks and just found out that I am positive on this. I am so worried now. I wanted natural birth but I want my baby to be safe . Waiting for doctor now to see what is next 😭
Hi section mamas, do you usually sleep on side after the surgery? Is that okay? I am 6 days post section.
How did everyone feel straight after their c section? I had my c section at 10am. I genuinely cannot remember anything at all of that day until the evening after my partner had gone home. I remember my baby was crying all night and I didn’t get a wink of sleep. But there’s something particular I just can’t forget...
If youve had an elective c section and you hadn't started labour at all before hand, did you bleed vaginally straight away? Or is there a delay? With my 1st I had an emergency c section but I was fully dilated and pushing, the whole shabang at that point so I bled straight away.. im just trying to see where I'll sta...
Hi all, I’m 2 weeks pp and I think I’ve got an infection down below (had a 2nd degree tear and stitches) who do I contact, do I go back to triage/labour and delivery, community midwife or GP?
Just shy of 5 weeks pp and past two days have had very thick jelly discharge, similar to what a mucus plug looks like. Is this normal? Yesterday the first bit was pink tinged but after that it’s been clear/egg white. No smell either.
Hi everyone. I’m uncomfortable with allowing people, including grandparents, kissing our newborn due to the risks, but my husband doesn’t see it as a big deal. Does anyone have information on this? Feeling a bit alone and unsure. Our baby is due in January and I feel this is something we need to know beforehand. Tha...
Went for an examination today at 40 weeks and midwife reported head was very far down at 2/5 engaged however cervix was too far back to examine and couldn’t be pulled forward. Has anyone else experienced this, the midwife said this was perfectly normal and even just the examination may help get things going?
So i had my c section 2 almost 3 months ago but im still numb in certain areas of my stomach as well as having a sensation-less patch of skin on my leg. has anyone gone through this and does it ever go away?? should i consult a doctor?
I’m currently trying to catch but came across a story of someone who had Lapps & now has a short cervix , I’ve had multiple losses and never thought this could be the reason . How do I get it measured ? Can a go do it or do I have to see a specialist ? Also do I have it done before catching or after ? Thank you a...
I’m 40 weeks today and I went to the toilet and when I wiped I had discharge more like clear and pale yellow ish. Has anybody had that and know what it could potentially be? I am seeing a doctor today to monitor the baby because he hasn’t grown drastically since my 36 week scan (only by 200 grams) in the space of ...