Pregnancy Symptoms

From cravings to cramps, share your symptoms with the other moms-to-be on Peanut and discover expert advice across all things pregnancy.

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Anyone awake?

I can literally never sleep for longer than 4 hours at a time. I’ve woken up with nausea and cramping. I just feel gross😮‍💨


Pregnancy ball

Is it too early to start using a pregnancy ball as i’ve been experiencing pelvic pain and thought it may just relieve it a bit if i tried. I am almost 24 weeks pregnant


Maybe the weirdest thing ?😂

Okay this may be really weird lol but has anyone else got an achey vagina idk if maybe it’s coz I had sex last night but usually doesn’t ache at all maybe I’m just weird 😂😂


I can’t do it anymore

I can’t find that motivation. I feel like my husband gives me the time to go and workout but I don’t, he gets home and he says do you want to go workout and I’m like no, I’m going to sit here and relax from a long day of taking care of the baby. I still breastfeed (14 months) I’ve heard if I stop I’ll have more ener...


Overwhelmed by sleep advice!

Does anyone else find sleep advice/training really overwhelming? I’m try to take my usual approach to things and pick out the bits that work for us (rather than forcing something that doesn’t work for us) but it also seems so contradictory! I’m not even sure where to start and it’s making me doubt myself. For exampl...


42 weeks pregnant

Is this labour? I was on and off all day yesterday with “contraction” discomfort. But I’ve been woken with painful “contractions” my tummy goes completely rock solid and I cannot concentrate on anything but the pains. Is this finally the start or is it false?


Feeling like a mom failure already

Less than 2 months left and I’m having the hardest time finding any motivation to clean and organize everything I don’t know what to do, I’ve just been so low energy and I don’t have anyone to help me.


Can’t sleep

Anyone else can’t sleep and wants to talk?


Peeing on myself

I'm 33 weeks, and I've been peeing on myself more often lol smh. Only when I sneeze I know my son is head down, and I definitely feel more pressure and pelvic pain.. anyone else?


When you have free time do you..

Assuming you don’t get a lot of sleep or have a lot of free time


Symptoms as a Plus Size Mom

Hey moms! Did you feel any symptoms before your missed period? Or is it a must to feel something ? Been TTC and all i feel is period like cramps so im mentally preparing myself for the disappointment.



I’m 9 weeks and my headaches have finally begun. I’m trying to avoid taking Tylenol. Does anything have any suggestions on how to relieve the pain?


Has anyone experienced sharp pain in Upper Right abdomen

6 weeks pregnant. Since this morning, I have sharp (but bearable) pain that comes and goes, around the gallbladder/kidney area. Way above the uterus so I wonder if this is even related to pregnancy or not. Got a gastroenterologist appointment for the end of Feb (no earlier appointments available 😵‍💫). Would you be…


Dry mouth

Does anyone else feel like their mouth is dry while pregnant? Like cotton mouth? Also congested? I have a humidifier and sleep on my side with 2 pillows I drink water and have water next to my bed but it makes sleeping so hard!


Possible back pain

Has anyone or is anyone experiencing the odd back pain? What feels like really sharp pain at your lower spine? Can’t explain it… I want to cry sometimes it’s that bad….



Is anyone else just absolutely miserable? I don’t get a single break in this nausea and sickness.

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