Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.
my daughter will be 2 end of march and we are wanting to potty train her as we feel she is ready, best way/ method to do it? any tips or tricks? TIA 💓
Does any one find there little one wi hold there wee at lot longer and poo since wearing pants my little girl we’ve just started with her and she is hardly seeing she’s having maybe like 3 wees a day and hasn’t had a poo we only just started yesterday with it 🫣I don’t want her to make her self poorly by holding it…
What age did u start potty training
My little boy has chicken pox. He’s absolutely fine in himself but just wanted peoples opinions. Can we got out for a walk? Just struggling being indoors
Hiya, has anyone taken their little one to the dentist yet? Not sure what age we are supposed to start this to get them used to it.
At what age do you potty train, provided there are no disrupting factors?
When to start potty training?! My LG 18 months old, but was born 2 months prem so is assessed on what her age should have been. She has showed signs of starting. She pulls at her nappy, she crouches to poo, and she does all nappy changes standing up. We have tried nappy free time but she gets overwhelmed and ends up...
How is everyone getting on with potty/toilet training? My daughter knows when she needs a poo but refuses to go in the potty/toilet and I’m at a loss. I’ve tried a sticker/reward chart and nothing
I still make sure to put a diaper on at night just in case. Today is her second week without peeing in her diaper overnight. Would you continue putting on a diaper at night?
Those who have both genders
Has anyone who started potty training able to give me some tips, i definitely think my LO is ready, she understands what the toilet is used for she knows when there’s pee in her nappy when I change it. Only some times she will me “pee pee” whilst point to her nappy so I don’t think she understands the urge to pee ye...
How is everyone doing with this? Have people started? Is anyone fully trained yet? 😳
We're in the early stages of potty training and I read that we should do all nappy changes standing up now. Fine for wees, we've done those standing for ages now but for poo ... I have questions! 1) How do you wipe them properly? Like I can't fully spread his cheeks and have a thorough wipe when he's standing. Sorr...
Has anyone tried potty training pants? The ones that have an extra layer for accidents. At home she uses the potty/toilet quite well, however at nursery, her toilet usage is a bit hit and miss, as she is busy and has a pull up on. The next step is to go to nursery without a pull up on and see how she goes (their s...
How long did it take your little one to ask to go to the toilet or potty? 7 days in and she’s still having a LOT of accidents and didn’t even tell me this morning when she had a poo in her pants 😭
Hey mommas! Is 9w to early to be teething? My daughter randomly started drooling a lot over the last two days, she’s much fussier and constantly sucking on her fists. I don’t see any inside though coming through.
I pay for a private dentist but as I’m pregnant does that mean that if I ask about free nhs they can do it? I’ve been really nervous and scared as I’ve noticed a few issues but don’t wanna go as I’m a bit tight for money right now and don’t know if I can do nhs
Hello all, I have a 5 month old who’s sudden gone really fussy with milk. He refuses to take the test anywhere near his mouth, he’s constantly crying if the bottle is near him, he’s been super tired too. He’s gone from drinking 35-40oz to 21oz a day over the last 2 days. We’re not sure if his top teeth are coming th...
Are these swollen gums? He’s been extra fussy and clingy, but this is so many at one time 😭
The only thing my 6mo will eat is the teething crackers. Everything else is one bite and a fit if I try a 2nd bite… is this a teething phase?