Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

brushing teeth....

anyone else having a hard time when it comes to brush their tongue???? i almost puke every single time and i have once. is there anyone who goes through this that has any tips?? i take my dental hygiene very serious so this kinda sucks.



Hi group! When should a baby see a dentist? Our baby does have 4 teeth right now and Google said they should book an appt after the first tooth comes in and I was like oh wow! Anyone in this group take their baby yet?


anyone started potty training?

If so how did you know they were ready and how are u doing it?


Potty Training Since September and now accidents everyday…

Need help! My 3 year old little girl has been potty training since just before her birthday in September and now all of a sudden it seems we have hit some sort of regression. She has made an accident every day this past week (including 2 days where she had 2 at nursery). Previously at the beginning we were giving ...


When to lose nappies at bedtime?

My girl has been potty trained since last August. Of course we have the occasional accident still, but 95% she is successful using the toilet. I’m still using pull ups at night time but 99% of the time she is dry in the morning and it just feels like such a waste of money and of nappies! 🫠 I know it would be…



My 3-year-old potty trained son just put on a diaper because he peed his underwear and didn't want to deal with it..


Potty training my 2 year old tomorrow!

Share your stories, tips, tricks, advice 🤍



I brush my toddlers teeth everyday maybe not twice a day but at least once. It’s a hassle, has been since day one. I’m pretty sure he is getting cavities. His dentist said he saw them forming months ago and that he might need to have them filled after he was two. They said it was from breastfeeding, i immediately st...


5 months

What are yall doin to entertain your 5 month olds while also dealing w/ teething ??? 😭😭😭🥹


Day 1

I’m on day 1 of potty training, taking her every 30 minutes wearing big girl pants and had 5 accidents so far, do I persevere with it and when do you see the results. I am waiting for her to have a wee in the toilet and she gets a sticker to put on the chart and her


How long is a teething episode?

My 8 month old is getting his 6th tooth and has been unsettled for 10 days straight. He's been checked by the Dr just to rule out anything else. The google search says a teething episode is around 1 week, so now by the 10 day mark I'm getting really worried. What are your experiences?


Pooing on potty

Hi, me again with the potty training questions 😂 been potty training for the last week and we have seen some progress the past couple of days with wees and he is able to tell me when he needs the potty which is great. However, he is quite anxious about doing a poo. He has been trying all morning to do a poo on the…


Odd toileting question..

Hey, odd question and I realise all little ones are different but just wondered how often your little ones are going for a wee? I feel like my lg is going less now and wondered if it's because she is able to store it better..or if she isn't drinking enough 🤔


Hot, red cheeks

Hey everyone, last night was a rough one with our almost 6 month old. She had a slight temp before bed but calpol done the trick, all night she’s been screaming in her sleep like she’s in pain and either one/both of her cheeks have been really really warm and quite red. Is this a sign of teething? She already has he...


4 year old wetting the bed advice please

My eldest is 4 and a half years old, he’s been dry during the day since he was 2 and a half. He’s always struggled with nighttime dryness but has recently cracked it and has been dry for 2 months. However for the last week he has consistently wet the bed. We’ve tried having a wee at 6pm when we get his pjs on and ...


Reallllyyy red cheeks !

Does anyone else’s toddler get super red cheeks



We had our first dentist appointment today I didn’t know we didn’t need toothpaste at this age but we also found out we have tooth 5 and 6 coming soon


Dentist visits while pregnant

Soo I've gotta have two fillings tomorrow, and I've just found I'm pregnant. Does this mean I have to have the procedure medication free? Are they still allowed to numb my mouth for the work? Surely there's something I can have🤷🏽‍♀️ UK based. NHS if that makes any difference.


How often does your little one go #2?

(How many times do you need to change a #2 diaper/ times do they go #2 on the potty?)


Potty training apps

Hi mamas, What potty training apps do you guys use to help you keep track of the time to put them back on the toilet? I’m beginning to start and try to put her on the pot every 30 min. I just need a reminder. Thank you!


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