Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.
Ftm here. How much should husbands help. I feel stressed pumping, washing pump/bottles every now and then, having to do our Little ones laundry by hand without help from my partner. Yes he assist to carry /feed baby most tyns but thats all. Am i doing too nuch asking for help with babys laundry?
Hi ladies, Just thought I’d post to ask if anyone has had experience with a parent being away from home as they are in hospital. My partner is in hospital and has been a couple of weeks so far. Obviously I understand our little ones can be sensitive to change in routine (grandmother staying and putting to bed some...
Hey girlies. I wanted to know if I should feel guilty for not letting my mum look after my newborn for the night at 3 weeks old. Me and my mum have such a good relationship and I know she only keeps asking because she wants me to have a full nights sleep but I’m not ready to spend the night away from her. I feel gui...
I am so frustrated with my partner at the moment! I don’t think I expect much right… He has never done a night feed, hardly changes a nappy, barely bought any baby items. And yes I have been in pain,upset, angry and sad - I am human after all. And yes we have spoken, he always takes a conversation as me moaning or...
So I posted something about the way my boyfriend talks to me and how I woke up and asked him to do a few things for me while I was trying to get our daughter to sleep like "becca can't do things for herself" and I asked him if I could watch a show with him and he said " oh I forgot becca can't watch stuff by herself...
My partner chose not to come with me and our LO for his 8 week vaccinations. He didn’t have work, he just chose not to come and to do his own thing instead. He knew I was dreading it and wanted him to come with us for emotional support but still chose not to. Am I right to be upset or am I overreacting?
So im seeing a lot of friends and people i know praising their babies for being so chilled and perfect and they have zero to no issues with their babies. It makes me feel like im doing something seriously wrong. My 15 week old is currently going to sleep screaming and crying and when he wakes up hes crying. It takes...
I am done with this bitch!
Pregnant mummas of toddlers, how are we doing? I've just had a really awful day today - my 3 year old managed to press every single one of my buttons and I just couldn't keep my stress under wraps. He completely ran riot at his gymnastics class, trashed the house, wouldn't play on his own for 2 minutes to let me do ...
My husband and I are a blended family. He struggles on a constant basis to build a relationship with my kids. He constantly asks me why they don't respond to him in the way that he thinks they should. Mind you they are 8 and 13. I told him that if he spends time with them other than the time he disciplines them they...
My LB is 12 weeks on Sunday and I have a 2yr old Daughter who we suspect has autism, I have very little support from family and not many friends. My Husband has also been working so much recently so barely see him. This is more a moan post or if anyone else is in the same boat, I don't know how people do it, it's r...
So the guy I am talking to/ seeing asked me to be his girlfriend today and I said no. The only reason being is that I don’t think he has any qualities that scream to me partner worthy and I tried to let him down in the nicest way possible and he just got upset. And said "so I’m good enough to have sex with but not t...
Considering a child free holiday without my toddler for the first time for a week with my husband, just for perspective I’m a full time SAHM and my husband works a lottttt😩 so I solo parent 70% of the time. We don’t really get time to have date nights etc so I was thinking to leave her with my mum (her grandma) who…
My baby is screaming every time i try and leave her with my husband, even if it’s just to shower! It’s really upsetting him and I’m feeling really guilty about it because it’s as soon as I leave the room and she stops as soon as i take her off him. She is EBF and I don’t really get on with expressing so I know I’m h...
We are visiting family and my son keeps only wanting me no matter if I’m in a different room are not. I’m trying to let them have their time with him but he only stays with them for so long. Maybe like 15 minutes at most. It makes me irritated when they keep saying he’s spoiled or too much of a mama boy. He acts th...
We all love these posts, don’t we. A few words that first come to mind when thinking of my mil: Narcissistic Passive aggressive Fake Inappropriate Enmeshment Manipulative My mil has been in some one sided “competition” with me since the day we met. The first thing she did was take her hair out of a bun and try ...
I had a consultation today with my daughter’s future principal and we had a talk about the school and what’s expected from the parents. It’s a private school so we’re already paying a lot for her to go there. I knew they want parents to be involved and help with a mandatory 2 events a year to help (more if possible)...
Hi I hope everyone is well! I have a 4 and half year old and his behaviour is becoming very concerning for me. We have recently got a kitten and at the beginning he loved him and was gentle but slowly he got more and more rough with him and gets pleasure out of hurting him. Yesterday I caught him suffocating the kit...
I’ll post the text in comments but basically I laugh reacted to a message he sent yesterday and then I didn’t respond again. And then he texts me maybe an hour later and says good night and then he’s super dry and short with me. Even this morning. It’s so annoying because we talk all day! We don’t go extended hours ...
Hey ladies, I really need some advice. I am expecting a baby this summer and my toddler already attends daycare Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday. I want to get him in for Thursday and Friday when the new born arrives but feeling guilty he's going to be away? But it will help me out alot. Has anyone ever been through th...