Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
My boy is 5 months old and the last couple days keeps doing this… whilst feeding he keeps pushing the bottle away and trying to put his hands in his mouth instead but then wants the bottle because he’s hungry… I don’t get it 😂 I already tried to up the teat size but it was too fast for him as he has tongue tie,…
I’ve been using the TT perfect prep for my LO, and TT bottles. However I’ve recently converted to MAM bottles and noticed that when I put 6oz on the TT machine it shows at 7oz on the MAM bottle but if I made 6oz in a TT it’s 6oz in the bottle. Am I making 6oz still?!
How do you get a baby to drop a bottle when they still seem to want all of their bottles? Do you reduce the amount in one/some of the bottles? I don’t feel like I should just cut one out completely as think he’d be hungry!
I recently started giving my LG some porridge mixed with formula to start weaning. She has about two spoonfuls and then cries. Could this be that she doesn’t like it or isn’t ready? She’s 5.5 months.
I’m a bit confused, I don’t know which sterilizer to get. There are some bad reviews I’ve seen on the Tommie Tippee one .. so I don’t know which to get. Please which ones are you guys using? Help
Hi girls! Wanting to start introducing formula to my EBF baby. In your opinions which is the thinnest/lightest formula for a BF baby?
How to clean a blow out on white pjs🙃
My son has been on one bottle a day since he was close to 12 months old. He has just one bottle before bed now. I feel like I see loads of posts from people saying their LOs are still on 2 bottles a day, some even still having a bottle through the night. My son hasn't had a night feed since about 7 months old. Am I...
Advice please mummies! Weaning my breastfed baby now and thinking of doing the milk ladder soon. I’m keen to confirm if he actually does have CMPA. I’ve never been fully convinced, as his eczema didn’t fully clear when I went dairy-free. GP and dietician were also not sure as he didn’t have many other symptoms (bit ...
Does everyone do the boil the kettle with fresh water and wait 30 mins before making a bottle? We are spending a fortune on the liquid bottles of milk for the night feeds because who wants to be getting up 30 mins before baby wakes? And how would you even know when they are going to wake!? I’m just wondering if it’...
How much milk is your LO drinking at 2 months old? And how often? I’ve been told by some that I’m giving my baby too much milk…and others say to up it?! Very confusing…
Hi ladies, i know every baby is different but how many ounces were your little ones on at 7 weeks old? My little boy is on 5 ounces every 3ish hours, was in hospital with him yesterday and the doctor told me im feeding him to much and to do 3 ounces every 2 hours. Now im overthinking whether i am over feeding him
My LO is 6 weeks old and I’m looking to combi feed - how do you start doing this? What are the best times to introduce formula feeding? I plan to express when bottling to keep supply up is this the right approach? Any tips welcome! Thanks FTM
Hi Ladies .. I am planning on exclusively breast feeding but would also like to pump & freeze some breast milk for emergencies! .. I have a tommee tippee pump and breast milk bags.. my question is, do I need to sterilise the pump before using or can I just wash with soapy water? Midwife said breast milk is sterile s...
Do you dry sterilised bottles? Really confused because the self-sterilising bottles say to leave them in tact to keep sterilised so would I put the milk in straight away or dry them first? Wouldn’t it be bad for tap water to be in the bottle? But drying would make it no longer sterile? So confused and trying to give...
This might sound really silly but all the baby’s weaning bowls, cups, utensils should we be sterilising them or can we just hand wash?
How do I know if the teat flow is too fast or slow? He doesnt choke but milk comes out on the side of his mouth
I’ve been giving my son the wrong scoops of milk. He is 4 months old E.g : 4 scoops x 240ml My son’s a little over weight, I now know how much to give him approximately now. Will it cause any issues with him?
So I’m thinking ahead for Xmas and know I’ll have a few drinks at MILs. What’s the most efficient way to get baby’s bottle of BM to a nice warm temp?
Hi guys! I’m almost 30 weeks pregnant with my second baby and I have a 2 year old. I would really appreciate if anyone has any tips or tricks that helped with the transition! I’m more nervous about how our household will be after baby is born than labor itself 🤭