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Usually when you ovulate, do you feel anything? Or no symptoms?
Just after some advice, ive always had a pretty regular 28/29 day cycle however i’ve suffered a couple of chemical pregnancies in the last few months, last month we didn’t try to allow my cycle to get back on track and my normal AF to return which it did but my cycle was 33 days. i’m now on CD16 and my flo app predi...
I’ve been trying for about 6 months now with my husband we already have an almost 2year old but my doctor assured me my egg count is low for my age so I’m trying to have another baby before I can’t any tips i pray I track my ovulation and all so any supplements or herbs to help
Do you think we BD enough in the fertile window? Also, got my ‘peak’ on the 29th, does that mean I ovulated 29th or 30th?
Okay trying to get my head around things, when you get your positive on the ovulation test either digital/non digital does that mean you’re ovulating that day or right then? Would it decrease the chance of concieving if you try every day or even twice a day within your fertile window?
So I am possibly 9po but my period starts in two days is this possible at all I did track ovulation a week ago and didn’t even get a positive or like a really strong line. This test was done this morning just don’t feel my normal self I feel really sick and awful.
CD 28 Supposed to be 8/9 DPO Cycle length 29/30 days Period length 5 days Last period started 06/10 Peak 23/10, think I ovulated CD 19/20 Cycle has been the exact same the last 4 cycles and now this! Please help! Woke up this morning with what I'm assuming is AF. No cramping at all when I usually get severe crampi...
Hi, I have PCOS and also I went in today for my 2nd ultrasound which resulted in 38 follicles in my right ovary and 22 in my left ovary. I also received my estradiol test results back and the result is posted below. Has anyone had similar level reading and went on to complete fresh transfer with OHSS?
Hello ladies, so during the time of ovulation, I always feel wetter during sex but after ovulation, I feel dry, is that normal ?
Can u get pregnant 2 days after cycle or before ovulation?
Yesterday I did a LH test that was positive. It was CD14. Today did the test again and the line was stronger. I usually ovulate CD16/17, which is tomorrow. I use Natural Cycles to track my cycle and ovulation. Hubby and I had sex last night and on Tuesday night, I’d love to do it every other day, but hubby isn’t ...
I’m so upset. I’ve literally gotten 5 positive pregnancy tests, just for two days later to start gushing blood. My period came 2 days early, which I’m assuming pushed up my ovulation to the 17th of October instead of the 19th (what my app had.) Ironically based off symptoms I could have sworn I ovulated the 18th. Wh...
Hello ladies, I’ve been tracking my cycles for 2/3 months and I have never got my peak in any off them so does that mean I haven’t ovulated at all? I’m slightly annoyed as I’ve had ovulation pain on my left side this week and been baby dancing like nearly every day, am I wasting my time?
Is this a surge? .67
Can someone explain what's going on 😭 I have posted all my lh levels and I have had one faint test and the lh levels are all over the place I ovulated on the 21
Does anyone have tips on how to get your ovulation back? I’ve had several periods and started tracking my ovulation with Premom ovulation strips but haven’t had any positive tests for the last three months. I’m 11 months pp and breastfeed but also give my baby bottles of formula and she’s eating solid food too. I ...
So I have been testing with the cheaper pink dye tests for over a week now as I believed I was 4 weeks 3 days and tested positive quite early but I just did a clear blue digital week tester and it says 3+ meaning I’m 5+ weeks!! I was tracking on the Flo app from my last period was 27 September which is 4 weeks 3 day...
I had a miscarriage in August. I am starting to track my ovulation days since we are trying next month. I am on CD 5 so I still have my period. I took a test tonight to see what a negative would look like but I feel like these look like I’m ovulating? Wondering if it’s still just my body’s hormones getting back to n...
I already hit peak 😅 why is it going up again I'm like 6-7 dpo I haven't had a mc since last June. I did have a iud that wasn't even in all the way that fell out at the end of September tho
My ovulation peak day was the 25th, (2 days ago) when is the very earliest I can start testing? I know they advise 2 weeks but when is the very earliest it's possible to show on a test?