Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.
Is this a faint positive? Only 10DPO- with my son it was a much stronger line even then.
I have periods that are all over the place, so last night I took this cheap test because I’ve been having hot flashes and cramping, I have clear blue digitals coming today just wanted to get opinion’s. I’ll post the other test results when I take them
I have periods that are all over the place, so last night I took this cheap test because I’ve been having hot flashes and cramping, I have clear blue digitals coming today just wanted to get opinion’s.
I tested for pregnancy on the day of my missed period and now I've done it again and it's still negative but I'm having no signs of my period coming and I'm actually starting to feel nauseous which is not like me at all! I don't know how to feel 🤷♀️
some ppl say neg some people say positive i see it but have bad line eyes pls help x
Top test was taken at 15 DPO, bottom taken 16 DPO. Do they look positive or Evap? Both quite faint and no change between the 2.
I did a test this morning, and thought I could see a shadow and put it in the bin anyway as it wasn’t a clear positive. Just taken it out of the bin and it looks like this.. is this an evap line or the start of maybe a positive test? Should evap lines be of no colour or am I getting my hopes up c
Can someone please tell me if they see anything? I’m 2 months PP so not sure how I’ll cope if it’s positive 🤯
Can you please post your 9DPO positive test even if it was vvvvvfl. Sure I see something on mine but it's very slight. Maybe I'm going mad 😅 or even a couple to see progression 🙊
Done 3 days before period
10DPO negative test am I out now ? I’ve been seeing everyone’s positive 10dpo tests today on this group and wondering if it’s best to stop testing and try again this month 🙃
So I had a chemical last month had positive tests for a week then went negative very fast then bled for 7 days. I haven’t had sex in between last month and this month but I was 9 days late this month and getting vvfaint lines on tests. Look pregnant! I have 3 kids under 4. This has never happened before so wondering...
I’m pretty sure this is negative but my actual question is, is this actually valid as the pink dye is still in the test window? It was taken at 5 minutes so I would have thought the pink would have gone by then?
Does this test look negative? I’m nearly 4 weeks post d and c and was still testing faint positive a few days ago, would you day this is negative now?
As the days go by it’s getting more real that I’ll be able to test soon and possibly face the disappointment of a negative. Anyone have any advice on how to cope? I’m trying to reiterate positive affirmations every morning but I’m always worried of the disappointment. 😭
Find out tomorrow at my annual ob appointment if I am pregnant! I have had some pregnancy symptoms off and on. I tested at the first day of my missed period and it was negative. Has anyone tested negative at the first day of their missed period and gotten a positive later. My period is 8 days late. Any advice before...
Hello everyone Ive been taking tests for the last 3-4 days and yesterday I swear I saw something tested this morning and it was still there i took a test about 30 mins ago still bare saw something so I took a test with just was just to see if my tests had evap lines and this happened but of course its been more then...
This will be my third pregnancy so far this year, really hoping this one sticks. Idk what to do if it doesn’t ❤️🩹. Baby dust ✨ vvfp today
So I’m 6dpo and started using the proov PDG test. I don’t get it a faint line or no line is positive? Or a dark line? I am so confused
Hi guys. TTC. Period 4 days late but only tried to concieve 7 days ago. I ovulate really late and close to my period normally. I see a very faint line. My sons positives actually started out the same way. Going to wait another week to re test but am I seeing things right now? I do feel pregnant too and accordin...