Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.
Evap or positive???? Currently 4 months PP. with 2 under 2 which was planned but a 3rd wasn’t for a while 😅😅😅😅 been having “periods” since my 2nd and only had one a couple of weeks ago. I only tested tonight as I’ve been soooo hungry and fancying weird foods!
So yesterday I took two pregnancy test both were positive. This morning I started bleeding. Is this normal or is or possible to get two false positive test? Anyone else go through this? PS my period should have started last week.
9days post sex and took two ultra early tests one last night and one this morning (I’m 4months pp and no period as BF) Is this a positive or an evaporation line. I think it’s an evaporation line but just wanted to get some second opinions😂
So on the 30th November, I had a massive bleed and the nurse confirmed my HCG levels dropped. We have been basically been using protection as we were not planning to conceive this December but weirdly something felt off so I took a pregnancy test. The problem is my tests are coming up 3+ and the dyes are becoming dy...
Hi ladies would this be classed as an evap line or positive
Any mamas not done any extensive blood work done yet? I have done an HIV test, Syphilis test and urine test and I am currently 30 weeks pregnant and they recommended I get more tests done.. I am curious to find out if it’s too late or if it’s perfectly normal to get blood work done this late in pregnancy
Had slight nausea, increase in appetite and weeing more at night but no other symptoms, no sore boobs. Not overly tired. But got a bit of one sided cramping. I did the other tests in the afternoon but this mornings one (the bottom test) with FMU. I did however wee 3 times in the night. Will this affect this? Had...
I’ve been testing daily, my latest one looks lighter? Is it ok? I’m 5 weeks 3 days
Can up in time frame
What are the odds this is a false positive?
I wasnt expecting my period until today so it's still a little early, maybe? I also used afternoon pee. If what I see isn't my eyes tricking me, it showed up within a minute. Then I took a second test and it did the same. I'll post the 2nd test too and inverted pictures in the comments. Praying this is the time!
I took emergency contraception however I’m two days late for a period so thought I’d test. One was completely negative (A pink test) however this blue one had a horizontal line to begin with and then turned into this? I’m super confused if this is a positive or not
Anyone get a positive test early dpo instead of on missed period or after missed period?
Would you say this is positive or just about my peak? My app is saying low but that is super dark to me!
Photo in comments!
Hey all, has anyone ever had a positive smear test result? What could cause it to be positive and what happens next if so? Thanks
Maybe it was a false positive
I’m only 9 dpo, is this a positive? 😅
So, my wife and I are trying to conceive via private sperm donor (artifical insemination). Our donor came over on the first for our second try. That was a few weeks ago, and now I'm about two weeks late. The thing is, I've taken like six tests, and they've all come out negative. I don't know if it's too early to be ...
Hi all, when will I stop testing positive? I’m still getting faint positives, the same ones you’d get around 4 weeks (started bleeding a day after my period was supposed to start) I’ve made peace with it and know it’s a chemical pregnancy. This is my second one in a row so I’m going to put TTC to a stop and try to p...