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Neg or positive or broken?
I think the test line maybe slightly darker than the control line?? Iv also booked for tomorrow a private hcg blood work to maybe calm my nerves abit.
Has anyone had a positive then next day had a negative on digital? I think I’m having a chemical but my clear blue line seems stronger. So just seeing if anyone has experienced the same? Thoughts please ☺️
I took a pregnancy test yesterday morning it said pregnant took another one this morning it said negative. My period is three days late and it doesn’t seem like it’s coming anytime soon. I have had weird symptoms my throat is so dry, my breasts are sensitive heavy and swollen, my back is sore, I’m more tired than us...
Hi, I’m currently pregnant and just asking this as I got my period and the day it finished I went abroad to visit family( without my husband) for a week and then a week after coming back I had a positive pregnancy test which showed 3+ weeks. In regards of my dating scan, it says that I would’ve gotten pregnant the d...
Can anyone see a line on the top I definitely think I can then tested again with a digital a few hours later and negative. Could it be too diluted?
I had some light bleeding today - around 10DPO. Thoughts?
Feel like I could maybe see a lighter bit when I inverted but maybe not
Hey there ! I’ve been testing for the the last few days and at 9dpo I’ve noticed that on my AM tests I see nothing but on my PM tests I’m seeing a faint line. Has anyone else ever had this ?
Every month just keeps getting harder
Took a test a few minutes ago and NO result???? Not even the control “not pregnant”??? All that wasted pee 🥲
TTC I took a pregnancy test this morning with a boots digital test it said positive I have just took another pregnancy test with a clear blue rapid result this wasn’t digital and it says negative this is very disheartening should I wait and then test again in the morning or wait a few days my period is two days late.
Has anyone had 3 positive tests followed by 1 negative? What does this mean 😭
Still five days to go. Early one said not pregnant got told to try these.
I’ve never had a late period before my AF is now 3 days late, and I tested this morning with FMU negative ,so I must just be stressed , do I wait for my periods to restart before trying to conceive again ? Or seek medical advice as this is very unusual for me and I’m 34
I'm due on today got mild cramping like I normally do is this normal even if I got a faint positive
Is this a high test? Look like it to me but according to the Premom app it not. Test line is almost as dark as control line.
Is this almost positive? I ran one for fun. Promised my husband this round I would test until I missed my period. Well currently only period and this looks like it's going to peak soon
I recently got 3 positives, the digital came through at 2-3 weeks, however using NHS website, and the flo app, with the first day of my last period, they predict I’m 6 weeks tomorrow… why is this 🤣 I feel like I should know the answer because I already have a 4 year old, butttt I just forgot how everything works! Ha
I got my first faint positive 9dpo on a frer, then at 10dpo a stronger positive on frer in the morning, then that evening a digital ( said 1-2 weeks) I've had several positive since they are looking darker, no matter when I take them. But I can't help but think I'm getting ahead of myself. Period is due in two da...