Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.
Did anyone else just take one test and go with that? I keep seeing posts of people doing multiple tests after a positive. I just did one. I’m 8 weeks and have ALL the symptoms but don’t really feel it’s 100% until I see the first scan….
Can anyone else see the shadow or am I going crazy
Did a test this morning and see a faint line, any ideas
8dpo today and thought I had seen a slight shadow on yesterday mornings test however completely negative this morning. Done a clear blue early test and easy at home. LH is also the lowest it has been since the start of my cycle, am I out this cycle? Feeling super deflated :(
Hey all, so I’m due for my period in 3 days. My boobs have been killing me for 6 days and I’ve done 5 tests since then haha. I guess I’m just keen on getting pregnant. With my daughter, I was positive 10 d.p.o this time I’m 12 days D.P.O and I’m still testing negative. I’m so confused. Do you think I could be pregna...
Photo in comments. Took an early pregnancy test 6 days before my period even though it recommends 5 days before (silly but I was desperate). Says it takes 3 mins and at the end of the 3 mins it was negative. An hour later it looks like this. Thoughts? I mean obviously I will retest in a few days but was keen to get ...
I’ve tested 3 days in a row and had this line appear within the 3 minutes each time but it looks so thin and faint I don’t trust it?! Today I’m 10dpo. I thought it may start to get darker by now.. I am wondering if it’s a faulty pack of tests
Previously had indent lines on these tests before, about a week ago I had a very faint line then since then been negative. Today I’ve had this, does this look fake?
I don't want to get my hopes up but I think they're positive. I've ordered some Clear blue Ultra early tests to try too. I'm 11 DPO.
Stark negative right? i know it is but my line eyes play cruel tricks
I spoke to the doc about my tests results and they said they all came back low risk, so I never thought anything of it. But I checked my badger notes last night and my DS test was 1 in 285. I know that’s still classed as low risk, but I still can’t help but worry 😓 I’m sure my odds were much lower than that with my…
So I'm On Neplexon And Felt Super Sick Period Said Late But Redid My App Says Period Due In 1 Day. Is This A Faint Or No ?
Yesterdays postive at top Todays postive at bottom Would you say todays positive line is stronger or weaker
Is this positive??
Anyone else get a test that had a positive line like this?? With my first it was dark. But this time around I got diagnosed with hashimone disease
Hi all! I took a test on Friday and it had a the faintest positive and now I’m testing a few days later have stronger symptoms (ie spotting sore boobs ect) and now it’s negative so I wait a few more days to test again I am a week off my period (get it this weekend coming) I honestly dunno what to do 🥲 Picture of…
Anyone ever experienced a false positive? TTC baby #2. Period hasnt come and I’m 5 days late. I’m so confused. Did a test tonight with an Asda cheapie and it appeared positive. The pink dye seemed a little smudged but a line appeared so quickly. Did other tests with other bands and all have said negative. Someone sa...
Hi just need some discussion cuz I have no period but my pregnancy tests are negative… I’m - 6 months pp - ebf - I have had regular periods for the past 4 cycles - first day of last period was 9th Jan (40 days ago) - we have been using the pull out method - pregnancy tests today and Saturday both negative Sympto...
I didn’t want to buy expensive test after 2 chemicals back to back. Would you say this is an indent or positive? Seems really faint for 13dpo
Okay soooo i done a test this afternoon which came back positive so i went and bought some more because i needed to be sure and done another one a few hours later which came back negative??? Which one do i believe 🤣 i will do another in the morning but im sooo scared it’s a false positive!?