Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.
I was told I was anemic two months ago, was started on iron supplements 65 mg every other day and was finally retested and these are the results, I’ve tried calling to talk to my dr and was told she would either call me back or send a message through my chart but I haven’t received anything yet and from what I can t...
Hi all awaiting midwife to reply but just concerned. Iv always been O negative blood group and was told few months ago baby was also O negative but iv just had my 28 wee blood results and it says O positive... does that mean baby or me as surely I can't change blood group ?
Tested negative this morning but have spent the past few days dry heaving/ feeling like I am going to be sick but not and off my food and low pelvic cramps. I am a few days off my period- it is on the early test threshold. Would you say to test again in a few days? So horrible as it’s coming on in waves. Has any...
Am I out for this month?
I'm 4 days late, I'm usually pretty regular, so I've tested for pregnancy twice, both negative. We've been TTC so I'm getting my hopes up a little, but I'm also ill, so I'm wondering if that's just messed up my cycle.
Hello ladies! All my clear blues are positive (all the way from early detection to just normal week by weeks on as you can see) But these cheapie pink dye tests are still giving me a run for my money 😂 they’re all positive, but just very faint! The clear blues are getting darker etc and I can see a line…
I did the first one with my 2nd urine of the day and the 2nd test which is negative on my 4th urine.
My period is 3days late, both kits and blood test shows negative. Has anyone experienced this? I am confused.
So I was told by my doctor I was possibly pregnant. Bloodwork came back negative. Took home test they are negative even after 9 days late on my period. I had some light pink blood when I wiped so I thought finally here’s my period and hour lately went to the bathroom and there was no blood on the tampon. I’m lost fo...
Photo in comments
Anyone else tired of getting negative after negative? Bottoms two are the newest. Tops are from yesterday and the day before yes I know the top ones are dry
Why is my test saying this now ? The other day I got 1-2 weeks and not not pregnant.
This is so hard every negative test bottoms two are the newest 😮💨✨😔
Hi everyone Would you say this test is negative?
Hi everyone. So I had my first faint positive pregnancy test on Thursday. They have remained faint (photos attached) I have done 2 x clear blue weeks indicators on Saturday and today and they both say not pregnant. Only getting faint lines on other tests. Yesterday was supposed to be my period so I assume by now it...
Photo taken after the recommended 5 minutes
I think I see a very very faint blue line, it’s more blue in person, does anybody else see it or am I just imagining things? FRER was negative this AM This one is PM
I tested this morning and got faint positive and tested this evening and got negative. So I'm guessing my HCG isn't too strong yet and as they said, evening pee has diluted HCG in it. Going to have to test again in the morning. Any experience with this?
I had two HCG draws today at different hospitals (i am currently in the ER due to spotting) the first one was at 4314. that was a couple hours ago. the one they just did was at 3,362.8. should i be concerned
Pic in comments I’m 8 weeks pp